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  1. Your Name: ViroCMN Coordiantes: (use format xyz: -2980 93 5501) Time/Date 31/05/2021 Description of Issue: People going around stealing ME Drives and doing general griefing Screenshots (Optional): also published them on discord https://imgur.com/a/V8c4NKR Above are the screenies of the griefed location
  2. when is 1.16 coming to server ?
  3. The world is by far 2 small ... Borders should be at least 50k AND NOT the current 15k .. lag yes but if the server is lagging due to size of the over world then upgrade the server, mob spawning is always minimal due to plugins so I see almost no reason to keep a modded server world so small. If you are going to keep the current server as is then why wipe it? 12 months is by far too short of a time frame to wipe a modded pack over world unless you change something that impacts the pack as a whole. I am saying all this because I was one of your 1st players and so have the inherit right to make such forward comments other wise I would of not bothered. DW20 1.7.10 does not offer much at this stage so wiping it will only discourage it further ... my 2c worth
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