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Everything posted by mygod23

  1. Returned after 1 month, does it fixed yet? If not, can I turned this to refund request for missing parts of my reactor?
  2. Is the bug fixed?
  3. Bump, does admin on this server also dead like Nomifactory?
  4. Still waiting answer. Its more than 1 week right now.
  5. So its mean my base and inventory cannot be rollbacked?
  6. Bump, its 1 week and there are no responses from anyone. @brunyman, I'm sorry to tag you in, but its seems like I don't have any choices. I tried to contact on Discord but the only staff (@sreny1) responded on Discord said that the previous admin ( @tigin88 ) steps down. I have bump, posted links on Discord and tag Managers but got no response. i'm afraid that the save file will be deleted
  7. Bump, can any manager do this? Nomifactory has no admins at this moment
  8. Your Name: RotoOmegaX Claim Owner Name: RotoOmegaX Coordinates: x 7031, z -5744, y 68 Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 18:30 27/05/2023 GMT+7 Description of Issue: Suddenly my main reactor melted down for no reasons, destroy my entire powergrid and overloaded my remaining generators (including 1 startup TBU and all dynamos). While cleaning the reactor I accidentally throw my backpack that contained tools to trash can. Can staffs rollback both of my inventory and claim? That reactor is 2 week working to get enough tungsten and my backup system is not enough. Screenshots (Optional):
  9. From what I see, this is not server error or chunk glitches that destroy your item. This is the hateful act of somebody based on your nationality due to the war in Ukraine. You should post another topic on complain box of GTNH so staffs can investigate and ban this people. Because I believe they will grief your base again.
  10. IGoByLotsOfNames is a youtuber that make hillarious clips about minecraft modpacks. He is also the one who make Gregtech and Nomifactory suddenly become very famous by create a PVP Nomifactory server with 100 players (you can see this clip Here). And few months ago he begin to create a summarise of Nomifactory progress. Those clips are hillarious but its give new players concept of progression on Nomifactory. The link to playlist (at this moment he just create Nano Circuit):
  11. I think the main reasons for lag building up over time is because this modpack is a heavy modpack. Its progression are so huge and demand so much resources so that until now no one has reached end-game item (the portal gateway) yet. The more tier you progress, the more automation required, so more multiblocks must be builted. To make everything worse, free players can only loaded 4 chunks at maximum so the most obvious choice is build everything inside 4 chunks, including the ME system that must stored millions of items for autocrafting process.
  12. Thank you very much, PO3 spawn have the same issue
  13. Bump @brunyman can you rollback the spawn please? All of Nomifactory staffs either on vacation for 3 weeks or not at home for several weeks. It is 4x vote rewards right now and no one can use vote crate
  14. I'm sorry if this is offtopic, but the spawn of both server be griefted for a long time. PO3 spawn now is a flat place with vote crates, Nomifactory's vote crate completely gone. Both happened long time and no staff roll it back. I have posted topic on Nomifactory to suggest the spawn rollback but no one answered, staffs on reddit told me that they have no authority to do that.
  15. Storage scanner is banned only in PO3 because of "protection bypass". However, the only way to bypass protection is to place it down and scan, which you cannot done inside other player's base. So I suggest unban the storage scanner since it is one of the cheapest and most efficient method of storage and crafting (shelving unit constantly flood my inventory with items if I accidentally scroll my mouse, also it does not have crafting grid)
  16. Right now PO3 spawn is a big flat wooden slab area with 3 vote crates, can someone please roll it back or at least make another spawn? The spawn like this is very discourage
  17. By somehow the spawn be griefted and destroy vote craftes. Can some staff roll it back please.
  18. IGN: RotoOmegaX I want to reset my questbooks, clear inventory and my base so I can begin new. Thank you very much
  19. We cannot drop down items, some recipes like netherrack and the atomic reconstuctor recipes not working
  20. The shape of the spawn looks very awkward.
  21. Its still random, but players now spawned on the surface, not inside cave, oil, mob spawn.... Like random spawn in other servers.
  22. About the generation, I suggest you use the Gregtech Steam Turbine. Of course its efficiency is horrible but magmatic dynamo can generate steam with boiler augment so you have free constant energy generation. Use the converter to convert low A Gregtech energy to RF directly at the output, then transport RF to workplace and converted it back at the suitable tier and higher A to feed your machine with 0 lost and don't need to increased A in output.
  23. So is there any solutions for this, or just directly disabled it for better performances.
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