Monocrame Posted January 14, 2016 Author Posted January 14, 2016 Now that you have a lot of iron and such, don’t skimp out on infrastructure - make a couple of pulverizers, pipes, hoppers, whatever you need to start making things more automated. You can even automate seared stone production to make a huge smeltery. I would recommend saving some iron ore to be pulverized (whenever you pulverize something you get a chance for better stuff). To make a ender quarry, you need about 9 enderpearls and 9 diamonds. The ender quarry takes a lot of RF but is very fast and efficient. To make a lot of magical wood, use make flim flam (I) books and change it to 17 magical wood in 1 go.
Monocrame Posted January 14, 2016 Author Posted January 14, 2016 (back to Fionapack) I didn’t know what to do, so I went to the nether randomly to get some lava for some reason. I used a BC pump and the energy cell that I got from the nuclear reactor.
Monocrame Posted January 14, 2016 Author Posted January 14, 2016 I found one zombie villager on my island, and another one in the myst world. I caught it with a safari ball that I made from one of the ghasts I sniped. I was gonna use a golden apple on it, but then I checked and minefactory reloaded has a zombie healing syringe. I made one of those and used it. The villager turned into some kind of magic weirdo.
Monocrame Posted January 14, 2016 Author Posted January 14, 2016 I made a pulverizer because I had read villagers like bread and the pulverizer will pulverize wheat into flour that I can make to bread, but when I gave bread to the villagers, they didn’t even eat it! More for me I guess. Then I made a nice, big home for the villagers with quality real grass™ flooring including tall grass. Part of the floor is transparent to jam a bunch of doors in there so villagers think there are a lot of houses, however they can’t even go to the houses. And there is 1 door randomly in the middle of the house so they think this is a house, but they can’t go outside because they think the inside of the house is the outside too.
Monocrame Posted January 14, 2016 Author Posted January 14, 2016 Remember how I said there is a water layer underneath everything? Well I used some waterbreathing potions that I got from the spawner to mine under there. There was a lot of redstone and diamonds and stuff. I even found a aqua affinity helmet that let me mine fast. At first I couldn’t see anything, but torches light up around you in this modpack, so that made things easier.
Monocrame Posted January 14, 2016 Author Posted January 14, 2016 I started thaumcraft. I made the thaumnomical and a wand. Then I charged the wand with auro nodes and scanned everything. However, I didn’t get any ordo vis. So, I searched far and wide. I got really mad and started killing everything. Then I got some ordo vis drops from killing mobs. I went home and made goggles of revealing. In the meantime, I made a jetpack to fly around, and a capacitor to charge it.
Monocrame Posted January 14, 2016 Author Posted January 14, 2016 I made a fisher to get some pufferfish, which are required for the waterbreathing potion. However, in the meantime, I took my scuba helmet.
Monocrame Posted January 14, 2016 Author Posted January 14, 2016 I hit the jackpot when it came to finding diamond.
Monocrame Posted January 14, 2016 Author Posted January 14, 2016 Finally I built a quarry, and noticed a lot of pufferfish had been caught.
Monocrame Posted January 14, 2016 Author Posted January 14, 2016 Now that I'm waiting for my quarry, I will check out the Post-Blast modpack made by Andrew2070.
Monocrame Posted January 19, 2016 Author Posted January 19, 2016 In my first day in POST BLAST, I made a world seed and prepared for anything.
Monocrame Posted January 19, 2016 Author Posted January 19, 2016 One of the first things I noticed were the awesome textures that the mod came with. I also spawned in a cool biome.
Monocrame Posted January 19, 2016 Author Posted January 19, 2016 Once I got enough resources for a stone pick, I was well on my way to becoming rich. In this pack, you can ACTUALLY MINE iron with stone, and a bunch of other things. The ore was kinda weird though because there was 2 tin ores and one mined instantly while the other was too hard. There was also a glitchy textured ore that was obviously dangerous. However, it was platinum ore ! The last pack I played RMT’s pack, you couldn’t even mine iron and it was really rare. This one has a ton - I like that I don’t have to run out, or be guilty about making iron tools and armor.
Monocrame Posted January 19, 2016 Author Posted January 19, 2016 The ore veins seem closely packed, and with random duplicate ores in random areas like this soft, silver ore I found on ground level. Once again I’m glad that I don’t have to spend 1 hour to find iron.
Monocrame Posted January 19, 2016 Author Posted January 19, 2016 I get right to work starting to make thermal expansion machines. There isn’t really any other choice if I want to get bonus dust from pulverizing ores. Food was kinda scarce in my wasteland biome, but I found out I can dry zombie flesh to make jerky and live. The hopper didn’t work so I made a chute instead.
Monocrame Posted January 19, 2016 Author Posted January 19, 2016 In no time at all, I brought lava from the deeps and made some lava-powered magmatic dynamos to keep everything energized. I even had enough diamonds to straight up make a quarry right away after mining.
Monocrame Posted January 19, 2016 Author Posted January 19, 2016 I tried a new base protecting technique: making a large lit range. By using F7, I lit up everywhere mobs could spawn. No wall needed. It was pretty dry here with deep ocean so no squids collection. I don’t have emeralds, or animals or food and junk. There is uneven terrain and few endermen. No clay either. So, adventure time. I made a pocket crafting table to help me out a bit.
Monocrame Posted January 19, 2016 Author Posted January 19, 2016 The adventure gave me some emeralds, and some clay to make a smeltery. It was easy to get a quarry running off of lava from the nether with a pump. Next, I made a looting sword with Tinkers Construct to help me get more ender pearls.
Monocrame Posted January 19, 2016 Author Posted January 19, 2016 Then I made a glider and jetpack combo to fly around. I got some blaze rods, and used the few enderpearls I found to find the stronghold. The game started lagging so I removed AromaBackup and Core that lags my game sometimes.
Monocrame Posted January 19, 2016 Author Posted January 19, 2016 When I was in a myst world, I found a weird factorization colossus. I broke a block on it, and it made a weird sound, and became invisible and glitchy. Wtf? Eventually I went to the end because Enderman just were a bit too rare and I was getting jetpacks and everything, going to the End would be easier than just hunting enderman.
Monocrame Posted January 19, 2016 Author Posted January 19, 2016 The strange thing about this mystcraft world was that on the surface there was a lush forest.
Monocrame Posted January 19, 2016 Author Posted January 19, 2016 When I was flying around underneath the world. I found something amazing: a floating stronghold.
Monocrame Posted January 19, 2016 Author Posted January 19, 2016 I made a shiny longbow which was really slow to draw. I was a little scared, but I could fly over the battlefield, sniping the crystals. At first, I couldn’t tell if there was a ender dragon…
Monocrame Posted January 19, 2016 Author Posted January 19, 2016 The longbow was about 5x slower than a crossbow I made before, and not that accurate. Derpily accuracy. But, when hit the Enderdragon from a long range, it killed about half its health in 1 hit.
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