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Inventory RollBack Request


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Account Name: KeyLime17 (yes again for the 4th time this week)

Character Name: KeyLime17

Coords: 666, 82, -3559 (its my base coords because i was teleportating somewhere in limbo when it happened)

Time and date: 6:00 pm Eastern Standard UTC -5 ---- 03/05/2017


Desc: Apparently this happens to me more than others but i fell into the void in Limbo when i died losing all my shit. I was there with my op power armor and other shit i had in my inventory so i could easily get unravelled fabric but of course you get teleported in there, so my chunk didn't load in time, and i fell and died in the void. losing my shit, Hopefully this will be my final rollback as i may get enough cash this friday to get a better computer to load things faster.





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