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[Refund Request] kyrofox 9/30


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Account Name: kyrofox

Item name + item ID (item ID optional, but very helpful):

Power Armor Helmet 25027
Power Armor Chestplate 25028
Power Armor Leggings 25029
Power armor Boots 25030

(Had full attachments...)

15 Vote Crate Keys
1 Legendary Key

Flux-Infused Pickaxe


Time/date[time/date when "WHAT" happened]:

9/30 2:15PM

Description of Issue:

I was opening all of my keys in spawn when I saw a guy staring at me, invisible wearing those computercraft sunglasses. All of a sudden I started picking up diamonds and other things, and I looked up to see things were popping out of the air. Someone was using a Mystcraft portal to drop things into spawn. I started taking damage and noticed that I had picked up a Yellowcake item and started taking radiation damage. Of course, I could not drop it, so I continued to take damage. I tried to get away from the invisible guy with sunglasses, so I could just /back and pick up my items after I died, but he followed me- I was in the market by then and about 15 seconds later I died. When I typed /back my things were all gone, as well as the sunglasses guy. I looked around spawn after for about 10 minutes and he didn't re-appear, nor did any more items appear.

The items were popping out at a normal rate, so I assume a dropper on a clock was used- I think the invisible guy with glasses at spawn was linked to the whole thing.

Evidence (optional, but highly recommended):

None, but I think the incident might also be related to all of the mobs named Donald Trump appearing in spawn. Probably put through same portal.


Additional information:

2:15pm PST

Also, I'm sure in chat logs its possible to see when I died at the time, as well as all of my complaining in chat.



Did you get a look at the guy's name tag? I'll also work on refunding you. (could you also list if you didn't have any attachments installed?)


I found the pick in my ME, and it had all the same enchants as the one I lost, but I didn't realize until now that it was probably an admin that refunded it at some point (ty). As far as power armor goes @brunyman, no, I did not get it back, but I'm fine with that as I have backup sets, and it would probably be a bitch for you guys to get all the upgrades on. Honestly, I was just angry at the person and I wanted them caught.

@quagma, unfortunately, I was not able to catch his name, I forgot you can look at *where* the invisible person is to see their nametag. Not to mention, I was frantically typing /home, hoping that the radiation would pause for at least 2 seconds to let me teleport back, but that didn't really work well...

Also, thank you both again for refunding the keys and pickaxe, I appreciate it.


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