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Legendary Chest Rewards


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Read a few of the past forum posts, decided to make one of my own with a bit more in depth of what i think should be added/removed

Add These kits to the rewards Table

Agriculture     (Automatic Farming)
1x Planter                                      686
1x Harvester                                 686:2        
1x Fertilizer                                    686:4       
1x Fruit Picker                                708:6         
32x Industrial Fertilizer                  5661             
10x Black stained Saplings             2137:15           
10x Carrot                                      391      
10x Seeds                                      295       
10x Melon Seeds                            362      

Enchanting Kit        (Auto Enchanting, goes well with Mob Grinder)
1x Auto-enchanter                         686:14             
1x Auto-disenchanter                     687:12                
1x Enchantment Router                  687:15          
1x Auto-Anvil                                  708:2                   
32x Bottle o' Enchanting                 384              

Mob Farmer          (Friendly Mob Farmer)
1x Rancher                                    686:3                               
1x Veterinary Station                     686:5                        
1x Chronotyper                             686:15                
1x Breeder                                     686:12                      
1x Sewer                                        686:10                        

Mob Grinder           (Hostile Mob Farm)
1x Grinder                                      686:13                             
1x Slaughterhouse                         687:13                          
1x Autospawner                             687:9                    
2x Safari Net (reusable)                 5683                   

Biofuel Kit                 (alternative Power System)
2x Biofuel Generator                     687:11                      
2x Biofuel Reactor                         687:10                         
10x Redstone Energy Conduit      20258:2                            
10x Fluiduct                                   20258:2048                      
10x Carrot                                     391               
10x Seed                                       295                         
10x Melon Seed                             362                      
10x Cactus                                     81                     
10x Spider's Eye                            375                      
10x Potato's                                   392                       

Machinists Kit             (Basic Needed Machines)
1x Pulverizer                                   924:1     
1x Redstone Furnace                     924              
1x Magma Crucible                         924:4        
1x Fluid Transposer                        924:5          
1x Induction Smelter                      924:3           

Remove Fuel Installation Kit
It is underwhelming for being in the "legendary" crate if you ask me.

Please feel Free to suggest/change anything.


I know we have gotten multiple complaints that our legendary kits and vote kits are too overpowered, and you can pretty much set up your entire base if you just stick around for a few vote parties...

on the contrary Nukes, I disagree, I think these kits are quite powerful, Heck, if I just get the Machinist kit and the biofuel kit then I will have machines and power for days .


I agree to an extent of what you say Henk, but if people think they are too overpowered as is, then those are the people who wouldn't be using them because they want to have a more immersive/harder experience. It is not as if someone else getting "overpowered" things in any way affects their play as it's not a raiding server, so differing towns have little to no effect on each other.

The only reason I even thought to add the biofuel  was due to the fact that it is a very seldom used power source that is actually quite useful for power if you set it up


Loot boxes will always be overpowered no matter what they give out as its free stuff.  You can get a huge head start by normal loot boxes during a 4x voting week. 

Before the last wipe i commented somewhere on nerfing the normal loot boxes to just raw materials (ingots, coal, redstone, diamonds, certus quartz and other gems/materials) and legendary boxes contain prebuilt stuff and rarer raw materials (stable unstable ingots, fluxed ingots, enderium, cursed earth, nether stars, etc).


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