Sion Sullivan Posted January 7, 2018 Posted January 7, 2018 So I have only been apart of the community for a small amount of time but I do have a suggestion for you and I hope you like the Idea as much as I do. So often players put a lot of time and effort into the game and I think that should be rewarded. I personally think there should be ranks that are rewarded for play time. For example, a rank for your first 10 hours and then like 30 hours and so on, its up to you at the end of the day but I think its a good way of rewarding those who are pretty dedicated to the server, please let me know your thoughts.
Thirgol Posted January 8, 2018 Posted January 8, 2018 I have been on servers with timed ranks, it's a good way to show how long someone has been on the server for which would help new players tell who to ask for advice and tips. I personally have helped out many players but I am a premium player so many new people tend to ask me anyway. It's also has a nice feel to be rewarded for playing the game for a long time; it can show appreciation for being on. Though in the long run it's up to the staff on this change, but I do support the idea as may also show a variation of players instead of every (normal) player having the yellow name with no prefix or difference.
Sion Sullivan Posted January 8, 2018 Author Posted January 8, 2018 I would like to add, that back in the days of tekkit classic I played on a server with this system and It really made me want to play the server more as it set a goal for me to get too.
DragonBone24 Posted January 9, 2018 Posted January 9, 2018 I love this idea and I love servers that have this. As you play longer you could get different titles or more claim blocks, and perhaps even a monetary reward if you rank up. I am unsure if it is possible to implement on tekkit as the minecraft version is outdated, but I would love to see it added if it is possible.
flamefurno Posted January 9, 2018 Posted January 9, 2018 I also liked the idea myself, untill I started thinking about it more. You already get more claimblocks the more you play and if you play normally without the tryhard grind you won't have any use with all the claimblocks. Therefore we will have to give other rewards, which is kinda hard on modded servers. There aren't really many usefull items that fit the bracket. Also: How often would the rankups be? Every hour? Every 24 hours? People would most likely just stand afk and gather stuff this way. Counting up the facts that the economy will get disturbed/broken faster and new players will be far more behind than usual, I think we should leave it as it is. tl:dr I like the idea, but I think it would disturb the balance/economy and we should leave it as it is.
Henk Posted January 10, 2018 Posted January 10, 2018 I hate to be the party pooper. We’ve had such ideas in the past and while it is a great idea on paper there are a few key things that work against it. First off; We wouldn’t be able to give out any special rewards for this ranks more than just a prefix. As.... what else would we give? If we removed parts of what is now a donator ranks the current donator ranks wouldn’t be pleased and it would also work against future donators as there is not alot to gain. You might argue that there would just be ” kits ” -and a prefix but at that point I see it as pointless. Not to mention that the whole point of premium and onwards is that they have a prefix while normal players do not; Makes you stand out in the crowd. As also mentioned by flame this would heavily encourage afking, anti-afk machines etc. While we don’t mind anti-afk machines(aslong as the server isn’t capped out) we don’t encourage it. Because it is just one more player and so many more chunks for the server to load to cause lag. How I see things gonig IF we were to add something like this is that we would get fewer doations in- perhaps not by alot but by some- and worst case is that we would even have to upgrade hardware to make up for the extra chunks being loaded by just afk’ing players. I do really like the idea, but if you would look at it from a ”company’s” standpoint it does not make alot of sense. However.... I do agree there there should be some plugin that let’s you see the playtime of everyone and compare against eachother and a top 10 etc- I know this exists on a few of our servers thru FTBUtilis, but I’m talking for the other servers. Not to mention that server’s that have this sort of ranking up system usually have a ” guest ” rank or just unranked if you are fresh off the bat. I don’t like this- while the intention of this is not to make someone feel less of themselves this is what this does; Having a guest rank of an unranked rank when starting off discourages new players from playing as they feel less than everyone else. Not to mention that the ” elite ” players that are at the top of playtime would often not care about these ” noobs ” to the server. It makes the server less pleasant and the way it is now I makes all the ”normal” players feel equal.
Founder brunyman Posted January 12, 2018 Founder Posted January 12, 2018 Well, seems that most of you want this? We can try to create some titles and some rewards when you achieve them like town claim blocks, some in-game money or crate keys? But we will have to code this
DragonBone24 Posted January 16, 2018 Posted January 16, 2018 I played on a server that did not just rank you up from playtime, but also from other requirements like placing blocks, voting, getting a certain amount of money, and killing mobs. I don't think it should be a purely time-based ranking up system, as there are many players who have donated that don't get kicked for going afk, and players can just make AFK machines. A purely time based ranking system is a BAD idea. I don't know the extent to which this could be programmed, but perhaps there could be increased requirements such as going to mars/moon, or things like placing a certain amount of blocks and voting a certain amount of times.
Yusixs Posted January 18, 2018 Posted January 18, 2018 I thought I replied to this topic long ago, guess I didn't I really hate this idea only for the Prefix's part, it's just making the community more divided. Imagine that I would hop onto the server with my friends and after some weeks, they would have some prefix such as [Elite] while i'm still [NewPlayer]. Such a system like that wouldn't give me a lot of motivation to play alongside them for long. Even if it means for me to get the same [Elite] prefix. It's just a matter of perspective honestly, for some it may seem cool to get the prefix and brag to others but it's just going to make new players feel more isolated from the others because they aren't "experienced" enough to talk to them Like fighter said, no ranks, but there should be milestone hours which gets you special rewards such as a custom kit, money reward, legendary keys and/or claim blocks. We can also have a command for top 50 players with the most playtime and have the top 10 players with playtime be displayed on the right of the scoreboard at times, just like top kills scoreboard in assassins server. Although it would share the same negative concept of not being recognized but it wouldn't hurt it as badly as it would for custom titles.
Swimsam1 Posted May 11, 2018 Posted May 11, 2018 Did anything ever happen. because I still would love to see some new kits
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