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NEI Spawned Items


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So i know that you guys removed the server side of NEI, which is fine, but i was wondering if there was a way to remove certain items from having the tag of who spawned them in.

Reasoning for this is due to the fact that certain items spawned in do not work at all because it removes the critical meta data it needs.

For example:
any Forge Microblock or BC Transport Facade's spawned in will be either Broken or give you the coal version of it. You cannot even bypass this and make your own in creative due to the fact that the saw you need to make the microblocks also does not work in the crafting table if it has the "spawned in by" tag on there. These blocks can be fairly critical in making certain(maybe all) builds look good.

More items include the Creative energy Cell not working due to it not having a charge when you spawn it in, rendering it useless. Also makes it unable to spawn in pre-charged anything for Thermal expansion.

Ill include more items as I remember them, but currently that is all that comes to mind, if there is a way to remove the tag from these items thatd be awesome! Thanks.

Edit: this might belong in Suggestions? Thought about it after i posted. Oops

  • Founder

Did some testing on microblocks and facades, seems that the issue is not the tag, since i have tag bypass and it still fails, looks like the issue is when you spawn them with /give command, and because NEI mod is removed server side NEI will use /give command to spawn items now. But we can remove the tag for some items if that helps, is there a way around microblocks and facades?


Hmm, interesting :o

For Microblocks, yes, sort of... In order to craft them you need to put a block (aka Iron Block) and a saw into a crafting table to make one, the issue I believe is the block or the saw (not sure which) having the tag does not allow it to be crafted.
          Also, when you are in creative and try to move a microblock that does not have the tag on it, positions in your inventory, it automatically places the tag on it and switches it to the coal block microblock

For Facades, there's nothing really stopping them from being made in creative such as the microblocks. You'd just have to make them manually with an assembly table & laser array, its easy, just annoying to do.

Edit: cannot spawn in specific mystcraft pages also, i believe the cause is the same

  • Founder

I will try to whitelist saw's, but did some tests and if the block has the tag it will still not work, weird how this mod does it, why would that prevent it from working i can't understand

  On 2/19/2018 at 9:08 AM, brunyman said:

I will try to whitelist saw's, but did some tests and if the block has the tag it will still not work, weird how this mod does it, why would that prevent it from working i can't understand


That's what I was afraid of D: I don't understand it either, i assume its because the tag has additional Metadata that the microblocks don't support? if white-listing it on the saw doesn't work, i can't think of any other way, because white-listing every block obviously wouldn't be a good solution =\


Also I was wondering if this haves to be a problem caused by this but a player asked ingame how they could see how much energy an item haves thru NEI, I was wondering the same because I remember before I could see how much energy my energy cells had thru NEI and now it doesn't shows up I thought it was something I messed with or maybe theres a way to re-enable that feature but when that player mentioned it I knew I wasn't the only one and maybe this problem with the NEI had something to do with it?

  On 2/20/2018 at 5:12 AM, Trixx305 said:

Also I was wondering if this haves to be a problem caused by this but a player asked ingame how they could see how much energy an item haves thru NEI, I was wondering the same because I remember before I could see how much energy my energy cells had thru NEI and now it doesn't shows up I thought it was something I messed with or maybe theres a way to re-enable that feature but when that player mentioned it I knew I wasn't the only one and maybe this problem with the NEI had something to do with it?


I believe it was an unfortunate side-effect of removing the server side version of NEI, and theres no way to partially allow some of the NEI features


I tried doing so... yes the saw on first use will get the tag removed the only problem is that you can't use it with a spawned block it will only work with blocks that does not have a tag on it.

  • 2 months later...
  On 2/24/2018 at 11:36 AM, Trixx305 said:

I tried doing so... yes the saw on first use will get the tag removed the only problem is that you can't use it with a spawned block it will only work with blocks that does not have a tag on it.


there are many bugs that now we cant spawn in, Makes it difficult to use Quantum computing, use of power armor, Spawning in any turtle of any kind instantly goes to a norm turtle even if crafted in survival mode. Any Panels, Covers, Pillars of any type of block turn into coal version, Even when crafted the same effect happens, fuel glitches in big reactors, and so much more is so much more difficult for creative players. @brunyman It has become a real problem. just due to everything with a tag breaks and doesn't work properly, Its just not how things were designed, I dont thing there is away around it because 68% of shit breaks 


Also you cannot install pneumatic  servos in fluiducks, spawn in spawners of anykind (which I would use to the ones they did not offer in the stores.), Safari nets don’t work in gmc, server me automating systemic can be difficult, crafting if any kind breaks. Can Someone please help. 



There are a handful of items like creative energy cells and the items you mentioned broke by not NEI but by the plugin that tags creatively spawned items.  The process of marking an item "Spawned in by: blah" is what makes some items unusable.  There are ways of accomplishing what you are trying to do for example using inifinite energy blocks instead of creative energy cells, etc.


Well it’s Kinda shit because people spend their money on this and you guys take it away. We can even save inventory’s anymore. Yes their are other ways to achieve it but it’s easier to do without gm1

also I never metioned creative energy cells

  • Founder

We disabled NEI just because others abused it to run commands or drop items from accounts with access, I don't know an alternative

  On 6/1/2018 at 8:08 AM, brunyman said:

We disabled NEI just because others abused it to run commands or drop items from accounts with access, I don't know an alternative


I completely understand the abuse. But you also have to understand people paying money for these perks is surly more important. Also I think the staff have managed it quite nicely up until this year. Where bans have to be approved by certain staff, staff that really are never active in our community. Really good staff has left us and we have gained some really great staff. But I never saw your the abuse as a big enough problem to remove nei


It's a pretty major exploit. Sure, it wasn't a problem up until a few months ago- but that's the case with any exploit prior to it becoming discovered. Once it does the idea gets put in tons of players and the abuse just starts.

You pay for NEI access and you get NEI access, you can still spawn in items with NEI :-)  - Funny how you argue that, given that you didn't actually buy your rank.
Believe me, we tried long and hard to find another solution than this but there simply isn't one, Tekkit is old and the options are limited. We couldn't just bring back NEI the way it was before given how widespread this exploit now is

  On 6/2/2018 at 5:18 PM, Henk said:

It's a pretty major exploit. Sure, it wasn't a problem up until a few months ago- but that's the case with any exploit prior to it becoming discovered. Once it does the idea gets put in tons of players and the abuse just starts.

You pay for NEI access and you get NEI access, you can still spawn in items with NEI :-)  - Funny how you argue that, given that you didn't actually buy your rank.
Believe me, we tried long and hard to find another solution than this but there simply isn't one, Tekkit is old and the options are limited. We couldn't just bring back NEI the way it was before given how widespread this exploit now is


@Henk Your Right if it’s for the best. Then it shouldn’t be. I trust you guys did your best. And if you say it’s a bigger problem, then okay.


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