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Server Lag


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As everyone knows by now Infiniy Evolved Server has terrible lag spikes/time outs or even restarting in a loop for ~10 mins, that makes it unplayble.
From the time i joined the server, a month ago, the lag was there, some days lighter and some other barely playable, some days at not peak hours when less than 10 people are online everything is smooth as it should be but other hours lag is there.
Why i am making this post?
Well i am trying to reach the right people who can make a change at this situation and for everyone else to post down their ideas on how to fix that unplayable lag.
My first thought are Chunkloaders/World anchors.They keep chunks loaded in many end-game bases with heavy machinery going on there reducing dramaticaly server TPS.
Another known problems are Capacitors banks from Ender-IO as RF cables to many different chunks.Some people for some reason used that way to transfer rf making many lag spikes.Most of them have  replaced those capacitors banks with cables, and seems that lag has been reduced.
Do you know any other block/item that causes lag or anything you think causing lag? write it down below.

In the end only brunny can make a difference
I hope he will fix it soon.

Sorry if i tired you reading this.


  • Manager

I don't agree with banning all chunkloaders but maybe the world anchor ones as they load a 3x3 chunk area around it which for most people is there whole base cause they try to stuff everything in such a small area and not spread anything out. 

Other blocks i know that can cause lag, carpenters blocks and chisel blocks 


my machines are turned off, i break 4000 pieces of my Capacitors, i dont use any world anchors anymore, there are no glassfibre cables anymore and i dont use transfer upgrades, this time i think its not my base wich makes the problem...


to ban World Anchors makes in my opinion sence too. Becouse they only produce problems.

I although have the feeling that the lag is reduced at the moment, due to the last changes (capasitor banks etc...).



I've been playing for around a month too, the only reason this isn't my favorite server is the lag, its unplayable at times, and getting worse every day, I agree that chunk loaders and anchors should be banned as a start and if the lag continues, ban more lag causing items.

one morning I played alone on the server and I could not believe how smooth it was, but it was just normal Minecraft without lag, I just got so used to the lag and that shows how bad the lag really is.

Really hope they do something about this because I just bought VIP and I don't think a lag-less server is too much to ask, maybe just run the server on better specs if it struggles that much.


thats although one of my Expiriences, there are times when the server has alot ppl playing it for a couple of days, when the lag starts, this new players leave leave the server.

It would be nice if we could hold them.

  • Founder

Hi, it's no the chunkloaders, there are lag spikes from few big bases that have some big machine setups. Lag possible sources are conduits, buildcraft glass fibre, excessive solar panels. these are few that like to lag spike


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