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Inventory rollback


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Your Name: Jak222pro
Coordinates: x:2890 y:75 z:-3040
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 31.12.2018 23:20
Description of Issue:I logged off on that day with my power suit and tools on me but when i came back everything i had was gone some(some said it was due to server crashes) also those cordiantes are aproximate i logged off in my base and those are my base cords
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well i may have put the wrong date as my inv is still empty .-.

the items I lost were

power helmet(flight control,diamond plating,and a basic battery)

power chestplate(jetpack,diamond plating,water tank)

power pants(dmd plating sprint assist,basic battery,step assist)

power boots(basic battery, dmd plating,shock absorbers)

flux infused pickaxe (unbreaking 3)

flux infused sword (knockback 2,lotting 3)


i have no idea when this hapened but ik i had this stuff and my estimates when i had this stuff is 19:00 but idk anymore

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