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Inventory Roll Back DeathbringerKGB


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Your Name: Deathbringerkgb
Coordinates: Below and just north of the HARM base other than that I'm new to game I don't know the coordinate system "VILLE" is seen on the mini-map over the base.
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 3:40am Central Standard Time 3/15/2019
Description of Issue: I was standing on the a platform pumping oil and putting out a Resonate Energy Cell to power the pump when the screen about 20 x 30 squares when Opaque then I was poisoned and somewhere below where I was, I had about $15,000 worth of items purchased and crafted and won with keys in about 6 to 7 different bags. 
Screenshots (Optional): sorry no screen shots because server is down right now. I'm not sure but I think it was a Java lag issue that caused the fall. Thank You for your consideration.

  • Manager

I am sorry to inform you, but we do not have a proper rollback point to roll you back.
The closest rollback we have was at 12am on 3-15-19, but your name is not present so I assume this was before you joined the server.

And the next one was several hours after your current rollback if you could make a list below of the items lost we can refund you those or we can refund you the ingame money if you would like.

Sorry for this inconvenience. 


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