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[Refund Request] StevenArchitect


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Your Name: StevenArchitect
Item Name + ID + Amount: 

energy bridge 6647 4x

mj energy producer 6654 4x

rf energy consumer 6653 4x

hardened fluxduct 5892/1 13x

ender tank 5458/1 2x

hardened fluiduct 5893/2 10x

magmatic dynamo 5747/1 10x

resonant conversion kit 5489/35 10x

resonant filter 5898/4 6x

resonant servo 5897/4 12x

itemducts 5894/0 120x

barrel 7230 42x

extra dimensional storage 7235 42x

item barrel connector 7231 2x

void chest 5432 2x

quarry 7282 4x

crystal shulker box 6982/5 (one red and one light blue)

land mark 7257 8x
Description of Issue: aromas dimension reset

i dont have evidence of the items as it was my quarry setup and i didnt anticipate losing it. there was no warning that the world was going to be reset


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