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A Long Series of Problems


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Town: EnderNet

Mayor, me: _PDB_

Assistants: cvance

Damages: t spawn griefed twice and repaired, town bank robbed



A normal town should tell every citizen aboutm bank withdraw and deposit actions


everything started 3 days ago (still waiting for coscos to be deleted so we can expand) i sold (5x5)x500 (12,500$ worth chunks to cvance)

the next day  i took (still waiting for coscos to be deleted so we can expand) 1k from the bank and so then i invited SketchyClock (this isn't its full name) so he started to spamm and write racist jokes, same day i got the t spawn griefed, only valuables were gone, the same day i added cvance as assistant

yesterday (still waiting for coscos to be deleted so we can expand) i discover my bank was empty and the t spawn griefed again, can i see the bank logs please?

i thought naturally in the towny mode only the mayor co mayor and assistants could take money, instead everyone can

today  (still waiting for coscos to be deleted so we can expand)



questions needing for an answer:

where's my cash?

when will coscos be deleted?

who griefed our t spawn?


staff call





witnesses about SketchyClock jokes





(me)(i have logs too)

  • Manager

Do not keep posting the same stuff, we can read perfectly fine.

You will need to only invite people you can trust into your town.. You have over 50 people in your town.
As for the logs unfortunately they do not go back that far, so i guess we will not know who did it.
Besides only inviting people you can trust into your town
I would suggest limiting how much is stored into your town's bank, this at least would limit how much they could take.

I have refunded you the 12,500 dollars to your account.



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