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FTB Revelation Server update to modpack version 3.5.0 is complete!

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FTB Revelation server got updated to modpack 3.5.0! This is a large update with a lot of mods update and few added. You can download this update on FTB App and CraftersLand Launcher.



  • Updated configs and scripts.
  • Updated 84 mods.
  • Added 4 new mods
  • Removed 1 mod
  • Updated Forge
  • Maintenance complete


Official Changelog:


3.5.0 Update

**Updated Forge to**

**Mods Added:**
- Advanced Solar Panels Patcher
- Advanced Machines Patcher
- Just Enough Energistics
- Plethora Peripherals

**Mods Updated:**

- Actually Additions
- AppleSkin
- Aroma1997Core
- Astral Sorcery
- BadWitherNoCookie Reloaded
- Better Builders Wands
- Binnie Mods
- Biomes o' Plenty
- Blood Magic
- Bookshelf
- Botania
- Brandons Core
- Buildcraft
- CC Tweaked
- Chisel
- CodeChickenLib
- CoFH Core
- CoFH World
- Conarm
- Controlling
- Cooking For Blockheads
- CraftTweaker 2
- Custom Main Menu
- Dark Utilities
- Draconic Evolution
- ElecCore
- Ender Core
- EnderIO
- Engineers Doors
- Exchangers
- Extreme Reactors
- Fast Workbench
- Flux Networks
- FoamFix
- Forestry
- Forgelin
- FTB Utilities
- GunpowderLib
- Harvest
- Immersive Engineering
- Industrial Craft 2
- Integration Foregoing
- JEI Integration
- Journeymap
- Lost Cities
- Imersive Engineering
- Magic Bees
- MineTogether
- ModTweaker
- MTLib
- MysticalLib
- Nature's Compass
- Pam's HarvestCraft
- Patchouli
- Quark
- Random Patches
- Reborn Core
- Reborn Storage
- Redstone Arsenal
- Redstone Flux
- RFTools
- Rustic
- Simply Jetpacks 2
- Steve's Carts
- Storage Drawers
- Tinkers Construct
- Tesla Core Lib
- Thermal Cultivation
- Thermal Dynamics
- Thermal Expansion
- Thermal Foundation
- Thermal Innovation
- TOP Addons
- Torchmaster
- Twilight Forest
- UniDict
- WanionLib
- Waystones
- XTones
- Zerocore

**Mods Removed:**
- FTB Guides

Disabled Oil wells from spawning in Twilight Forest
Disabled Rubber Trees from IC2 from spawning in Twilight Forest
Updated Issue Tracker link in the main menu
Added a use for Zinc Grains
Added a new recipe for mossy stone brick stairs
Changed Immersive Engineering to prefer Thermal Foundation metals





Modded Adventures!


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