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Everything posted by MMD

  1. MMD

    First animation :P

    It only winks once then stops ? you should make it so it smiles when it winks and then goes back to neutral.
  2. Don't think theres a top voter thing anymore. Since Yusixs isn't here maybe someone else would like to take care of this?
  3. I think a reinstall should fix it. That's what fixed most of my problems with the CLl missing mods or can't launch mods etc..
  4. MMD


  5. MMD

    Vote Site

    It says on the FTB Continuum FTB Servers that the Server is Banned from the list and is only available for Archives. https://ftbservers.com/server/O61TelaJ/ftb-continuum-1-12-2-by-craftersland Don't know what it is but it's there, a few days ago i didn't notice it i voted a few times never noticed it.
  6. Happened to me can't remember how I fixed it I think I uninstalled all the mods.
  7. I mean that's hard. I'm sure everyone has a mod they all for I myself want to play an updated tekkit, however the Continuum server is new you can give it a try its pretty hardcore as well. Also Continuum is similar to tekkit and I think its getting frequent updates. So for a new modded server it'll take a while, from what I think.
  8. Should make a refund request about that. Unless they are disabled/restricted. It's probably disabled cause it might bypass protection.
  9. Which chunks are premanently loaded? If you're talking about spawn im pretty sure the tanks are underneath spawn.
  10. I think The End resets every week.Basically the ender dragon respawns. If you're talking about End Citys then i dunno there's alot of them i found 3 in like 10 minutes. Not sure about Nether i don't think we need a Nether reset.
  11. We need a bigger shop definitely.
  12. MMD


    Like on tekkit or Revelations i think there's a kit claim and kit food. Since there isn't one on Continuum we should make this one different. The /kit claim should stay the same but it should be added! The kit food should consist of Juice of any kind , and a Sandwich just cause they can see Pam's Harvestcraft incredible food mod pretty immersive i'd say. If anyone has any other kit ideas feel free to reply here or make a new one.
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