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SatanIsMyLord last won the day on July 18 2021

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  1. Has anyone checked the server crashes? Server has crashed and/or restarted withing 1h more than 4 times.
  2. Can someone check server logs to figure out why the server is crashing like that? Its been twice in less than 30 minutes.. and playing with no more than 7tps
  3. Is there any "guide" / tips for the players in order to optimize their bases to decrease possible lag sources?
  4. Server has been crashed twice now in less than 2 hours when having, from the restart until crash, less than ~7tps. It must be crash instead of restart because no warnings displayed, just everyone gets kicked and then a 'An existing connection was forcible closed by the remote host.' user error. It happened around 12:54 am UTC +2. Could someone check on 1) very low tps even after a restart (nearly unplayable) 2) those wierd crashes that are not that rare. Thank you!
  5. I really wanna know how you debugged this and find out that this mod was causing trouble. Thank you tho for the fix!
  6. Chunk loading issue seems to be fixed after the recent update!
  7. Hello again, I noticed that the legendary crate is not giving any reward when it comes to 'Reactor Supply' reward. It happened to me twice when I had the chance to open 2 of those crates. https://postimg.cc/tY68kG0F Also my Modular Storage from RFToolsStorage got reset and lost all of its inventory (300 items) but i do not have any screeshots for proof for my lost items. Lastly the fluix seeds from mystical agriculture seems to be removed after the recent update.
  8. SatanIsMyLord#4358
  9. This is fixed.
  10. The shop issue has been fixed. Is there any way to help with the investigation of the root cause (chunk loading issue)?
  11. It seems that other players have the same issue too, so it is probably not client related issue. Without the shop working and chunks not loading, its quite frustrating finding blazes in nether since you have to teleport to elsewhere every 2-4 loaded chunks...
  12. Hello again, I've encountered an issue where chunks not loading at all when exploring. Every few chunks they stop loading forcing me to teleport far away, spawn, and return back in order to keep exploring few more chunks and then repeat. I tried to refresh chunks with f3 + a but without success. I am not sure if this is a server or client issue. Some screenshots https://postimg.cc/5QvZfZbV https://postimg.cc/mPd6WbC9 Any help is appreciated.
  13. Hello, I've noticed that the mob loot section of the server shop does not quite works, the signs are not 'blue' as the other ones. Could someone please come and check if the signs are note set up correctly? Thank you. Also, can someone check if i am banned from discord server because i cannot join and no errors are shown when i click to join the invite link.
  14. I am trying to login using my mojang account into cl launcher and i am getting this exception com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException: No content to map due to end-of-input at [Source: java.io.StringReader@1585b112; line: 1, column: 1] at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException.from(JsonMappingException.java:164) at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper._initForReading(ObjectMapper.java:3029) at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper._readMapAndClose(ObjectMapper.java:2971) at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper.readValue(ObjectMapper.java:2091) at com.skcraft.launcher.util.HttpRequest$BufferedResponse.asJson(HttpRequest.java:550) at com.skcraft.launcher.auth.microsoft.MinecraftServicesAuthorizer.lambda$getUserProfile$0(MinecraftServicesAuthorizer.java:40) at com.skcraft.launcher.util.HttpRequest.expectResponseCodeOr(HttpRequest.java:230) at com.skcraft.launcher.auth.microsoft.MinecraftServicesAuthorizer.getUserProfile(MinecraftServicesAuthorizer.java:39) at com.skcraft.launcher.auth.YggdrasilLoginService.call(YggdrasilLoginService.java:68) at com.skcraft.launcher.auth.YggdrasilLoginService.login(YggdrasilLoginService.java:36) at com.skcraft.launcher.dialog.LoginDialog$LoginCallable.call(LoginDialog.java:170) at com.skcraft.launcher.dialog.LoginDialog$LoginCallable.call(LoginDialog.java:162) at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) any idea how to fix this? (a little friendly note, better catch that exception and throw us UserError to let us know what happened. If of course that came from your code) == Update == The issue has been resolved. All i had to do was to login and verify my account. This post can be deleted
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