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Everything posted by Myiume

  1. Awesome!
  2. You are reading this topic. That means you are either playing or willing to play skyfactory and you are interested into the gameplay. Everything you need to know about starting the gameplay can be found here. If you have any more questions or additions you think we should add, feel free to reply. Starting Island Schematic: You start with a tree and a little dirt island. That is it, no chests, no extra blocks. You want to be able to harvest as many sapling as possible, so for that purpose, an item called "a Crook" has been added. It is used for harvesting leaves. All you do, is break the leaves with it and your sapling yield will increase enormously. Crook: Once you have a decent amount of saplings, you can start getting yourself some extra dirt to expand your farm. In order to do that you need a barrel. Barrel: Barrels are used for composting. You add organic materials into it and wait for it to dry until it turns to dirt. Compost: From time to time if you are lucky enough, while harvesting saplings from leaves, a little silk worm will fall from the leaves. You can plant that little Silk Worm into the leaves and wait for them to create silk. Once your leaves have enough, you will be able to get some silk from them. Silkworms: Once you have your little silk farm going, you might want to try a sieve. A Sieve is a crucial item that will help you get items you need badly to continue your gameplay. Throw some dirt into it and it will yield certain items. The most crucial one for now is the dirt's drop of stones. You can craft 4 stones together to get yourself some cobblestone. Sieve: Stones: I am sure you are wondering how to get yourself a cobblestone generator to continue playing. For that reason you will need yourself a hammer. Hammers are tools used to break cobblestone into gravel -> into sand -> into dust. Hammers: Once you get yourself some dust, you can use it to make yourself some clay. Place some dust into a barrel full of water, which you can gather from the rain. Clay: Once you get yourself some clay, you can craft yourself a crucible. Crucible: That's about everything you need to know to get yourself started. I am sure you will have more questions and for that reason I will forward you to this topic, the original of Ex-Nihilo, the mod that adds this awesome gameplay. Make sure you read everything ^_^ Knowledge is power. Click here!
  3. The moment you've been all waiting for is now here. I finally finished working on the 1.5.2 server and it is ready to get past the Alpha Phase and go into the Beta Phase. Testers are needed so everyone that can and wants to can join the 1.5.2 server. Please understand that Beta means it still has bugs to be found and it might or might not be stable depending on the bugs. As a beta tester player it is your responsibility to report bugs as soon as possible to me on the forums. People being caught abusing bugs will be permanently banned. Thanks to everyone that helped along. It is a long list to mention but I promise I'll take my time and make one later. You can connect using the Crafterslauncher 1.5.2 DW20 Pack or the FTB launcher. Both work just fine. IP for Connecting : ftb.craftersland.net:25550 Enjoy ^_^
  4. Respect the forums rules. I deleted the topic because you were not respecting rule no. 12. English is mandatory. The topic was 90% not in english.
  5. For the purpose of keeping this community a nice environment for everyone involved in it we have developed the following rules and guidelines. Forum Rules: 1. Do not use foul language. 2. Do not act hostile, flame, or troll others. 3. Do not CAPS ( Posts and Subjects). 4. Do not Discuss Bans, Mutes, Locked Threads. 5. Do not hijack a thread or go off-topic. 6. Do not revive dead threads. 7. Do not spam. 8. Do not advertise. 9. Do not distribute inappropriate content. 10. Do not flame the Staff Members. 11. Do not make accusations. 12. Do not use other languages than english while posting. Server Rules 1. Do not use foul language. 2. Do not act hostile, flame, troll other players. 3. Do not CAPS ( Global chat or private chat) 4. Do not steal from others. 5. Do not grief. 6. Do not Tp Kill people. 7. Do not abuse Glitches and Bugs, Report them. 8. Do not harass staff members. 9. Do not destroy someone else's work no matter the situation. 10. Do not complain about a Staff's decision in-game, you have the forums for that. 11. Listen to staff members when they are requesting you to do something. Failing to do so can get you a punishment. 12. Do not deceive or con players for your own favor. Failing to follow those rules will lead to sanctions. Best regards, Myiume - Craftersland Community Manager
  6. #For FTB 1.5.2: If the crafterslauncher does not work or gives you a whitescreen please use this one: http://www.craftersland.net/modpack/FTB_Launcher.jar # You will need this launcher in order to connect to the newest Addition of our Community , The FTB 1.5.2 server. It will also optimize your gameplay by having added mods for better FPS and performance. It will automatically install itself in your appdata/.crafterslauncher and will automatically download the needed mods for your client. All you need to do is open it, select the modpack and login. Let the launcher work its magic The first time you launch it, It will download everything the launcher needs, so It will take a while to load. 2nd time it will be way faster as it saves the files on your computer. Download links: Windows executable download: Main Download Link: http://www.craftersl...cher-v1.0.1.exe Mirror:http://www.mediafire...t938h43b1yk3t16 Jar file download for Mac/Linux/Windows: Main Download Link: http://www.craftersl...cher-v1.0.1.jar Mirror: http://www.mediafire...0pbq8jullkizx2b With all due respect, Myiume - Craftersland Community Manager
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