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MarceLOL last won the day on May 5 2024

MarceLOL had the most liked content!

About MarceLOL

  • Birthday 03/26/1898

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  • Location:
    : 400km away from spawn chunk
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MarceLOL's Achievements

  1. "ahora está casi vacío" XD Lo más curioso es que siga en pie el server después de tantos años en decadencia
  2. It has been 5 years already since I made this. 😄😛


  3. Happy Birthday :v

    1. MarceLOL


      gracias espero no cumplir más xdd

  4. :D:P?


    This deserves to be in the next Newsletter, doesn't it? :v

  5. MarceLOL

    Secret Room!

    Legend has it that Deivid appears only to the chosen one, nobody has seen him yet... Congratulations finding the secret room :p [Moved to General]
  6. I'll refund you the sword. Maty_Pro is not obligated to return back the bow, but if he has 2 bows and one is exactly as you said I'll take it and give you back
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