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Everything posted by ManYouForgot

  1. Quest book reset
  2. Town rollback if anything is missing please make a list below for a refund request.
  3. Password Reset sent you instruction to log back in your messages on the forums.
  4. @kubin he likely remembered his password, please don't bump old topics. Fill out a password reset here: https://forum.craftersland.net/forum/222-password-reset/ and follow this template:
  5. Is this still an issue @AurimasV
  6. This is for Stoneblock 2 not, Stoneblock 3. Topic moved to Stoneblock 2 Technical Support. Inventory has been rollbacked. If anything is missing please make a list below for a refund request.
  7. Is this issue still occurring? We can attempt a rollback if you can provide a date.
  8. Bump, post wasn't visible until account was admin approved. Can you provide some form of proof? @Suaekz Your screenshot doesn't work
  9. Recipe seems to work for me are you using a vanilla crafting table, and an activated division sigil? Then its just the normal recipe either unstable/semi-stable. You can see them on the wiki below. https://ftbwiki.org/Unstable_Ingot
  10. Sorry for the delay, blocks removed.
  11. Password Changed. I messaged you the details.
  12. Spawn rollbacked.
  13. I believe I reset your quest book it was a bit finnicky. Please let me know if it didn't reset,
  14. How far back was it good? I'd need more details such as ign
  15. Negative, we will not give this command out to players. Instead you can make a post in https://forum.craftersland.net/forum/353-suggestions/ And suggest items to be added and we will consider adding them to the shop.
  16. Quests reset
  17. At the moment i dont think anyone is doing reactivation/rank transfers. I plan on doing them though soon as i have the perms to be able.
  18. Hello, @BerkcN I have reviewed the complaint, and have issued a verbal warning to them. I will like to say here as well, that I implore you to try to get along with your fellow players on the server. If you don't have nothing nice to say, don't say anything. Otherwise you will not be apart of this community if you keep it up. T/C
  19. Items refunded to player ingame
  20. Items refunded to player ingame
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