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About dodoka01

  • Birthday 06/29/2001

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  • Location:
    Czech Republic

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  1. dodoka01


    I don't want to lose my enormous base It took a lot of effort
  2. Throwing in fluid recipes are broken in latest update
  3. I'm dumb.. ? I totally forgot about nocturnal powder.. ? Thanks a lot xD
  4. The arches are from architecturecraft. Interactions is skyblock by default, but you can live in overworld or on starter skyblock world.
  5. Hello, this is my base after roughly 3 months playing. https://imgur.com/a/DmqY7Of
  6. Would it be possible to add Pam's Harvestcraft fruits to shop? I've been searching for limes for like in total 8 hours and didn't found any. And anyone doesn't have limes neither. Thanks.
  7. Yaay :3 First and second image is from my base. Thank you!
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