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Everything posted by geri33

  1. Nice pic Jim :p! hehe How are you going?

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    1. Jimmel


      all good ^_^ you doing alright?

    2. geri33


      Yep, busy with school as always but that's normal u.u

  2. Moved to DW1.12 Technical Support
  3. Can you edit your post following the template, please? I need time zone @gknova61
  4. Usa inglés en el foro por favor. Y no sé como más decirtelo pero los videos no funcionan
  5. I told ya dude, deja de joder
  6. Package re-sent and skin issue fixed
  7. Our ranks can't be bought by SMS. The only way is some kind of payment platform like paypal, using a debit/credit card.
  8. No payments under that nickname, can you provide some kind of proof? @Chiche
  9. Package re-sent, join and wait a few minutes to receive the rank
  10. Claim rollback complete, let me know if there are any problems
  11. Moved to Infinity Evolved's Technical Support.
  12. Commands granted
  13. Rank reactivated, try now
  14. Everyone gets it, it's due to the update to the newest version of the modpack... Just try rejoining and let's hope it will let you play longer xd We will go back to the previous version or try to fix that somehow very soon
  15. Topic moved to the correct section. You can now use the "edit" button to edit your topic and if you don't remember the exact items, use the inventory rollback's template.
  16. Topic moved to IE general.
  17. Topic moved to Server problems.
  18. geri33


    ???????????????????????????????? You guys know, more and more people celebrate Halloween every year? And why wouldn't they? This festival is quite different than every other and it's something interesting for the most part of the teens nowadays. They love putting on a mask and I also do, because that's the only day of the year I can actually hide from the world (lol), the day of Saint 'Eve. Okay, so, you don't need to be rich to be able to enjoy Halloween on max. I like the phrase "If you can't afford something, DIY it", totally true! You can use your imagination to make yourself a costume and decorate your home with some pumpkins, autumn leaves, some lightings, the normal seasonal stuff. And to kinda recreate that spooky Halloween ambiance in minecraft, I spent some hours to embellish the Revelation spawn as it popped up in my head ? But behind that, at first sight weird place, there is a story, that could probably surprise you... (or you rather get bored xD) Enjoy! In our castle as in every other, the king requires the staff to make the whole decoration for a certain ceremony. This year was not an exception! Everybody got ready for the preparation, there were over 1000 slaves working for their lord. Everything seemed to be fine, men were occupied with the hard handwork, like assemblying of furnitures and bringing wood to the fireplaces while women were cooking and decorating all of the halls adding small detailing that was helping the place to look even creepier. And this hardworking lasted about 2 days when something happened... something that never has happened before! People were afraid... They knew Satan was supposed to visit the overworld again like he does every year, his rage and cruelty growing more and more through the years, but were they surprised as he came days earlier. Filled with new powers, stronger than ever, he was ready to destroy the poor people's normal lives. Relentlessly, he poisoned the heart of the castle, infecting the whole area and leaving it spread across. He was unbeatable... He impisoned all of the innocent people, bringing them to the depths of earth, just under his throne, and forcing them into slavery. And every single one of their damned souls knew what was waiting for them. Day after day, they digged gold in his terrible disgusting mines but his greed was infinite so when one couldn't keep the work anymore, driven mad with exhaustion, Satan wouldn't doubt but kill him. What a merciless lord he is! No one knows where the Satan is now... He is somewhere around the world, spreading pain and fear, that's for sure. Some suspect he might be in the Nether where the flames could be his friends because believe or not, even monsters feel lonely sometimes, even Satan himself... For the ones, who have escaped: Be careful! You aren't safe! He is still looking for you because his main goal is to conquer the world, to eliminate every breathing creature and you couldn't stop him expect you become his friend! ???????????????????????????????? Well, I've got no idea what you just read xD I tried my best, ok? It's not as poethic as I wanted but it could be improved in the future, I promise! Here are some pictures of the spawn, hope you guys like it ? I also hope you enjoy the upcoming days and survive! ? Happy Halloween! ~geri33, Revelation co-manager
  19. Hello @Maverick, make a topic here and follow the template. This post is about that Network modalities have been updated to the newest version of minecraft, not about password resets
  20. Was it solved or did you just give up, @riotvenomenemy? ? It was posted on wrong section, that's why you didn't get response yet :l Topic moved to Direwolf20 1.7.10 Technical Support.
  21. What server is this for, @Shmebulock? You can make a items refund request or a rollback one in the technical support section of the exact server you are playing on. If you don't remember the items, just make a rollback request mentioning the time and the date when everything has happened.
  22. Looks awesome and it's totally my style :)! Good job!
  23. You mean claiming, @GMzadrot? There is a link of a tutorial popping up at chat in-game every few minutes, in all of our modded servers. I think it's with the golden shovel tho, selecting a corner and then the opposite one. And you can check if the land is already claimed or not with the wooden stick. Topic moved to General Discussions as I don't know on which modded server you are playing on.
  24. Topic moved to Direwolf 1.12 Technical Support.
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