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Everything posted by G_G_Marvel

  1. Gregtech: New Horizons This modpack is a massive progressive kitchensink pack with many mods and very enjoyable while challenging. Despite it being 1.7, it is incredibly well optimised and many people (incl. myself) are really interested to see this pack on this beloved community.
  2. The point of the problem lies there. As you have seen by far, many people (including myself) feel very unpleasant about the constant TPS drops we are having. Although us staff team try our best to insure the best possible PO3 experience, there are some limits we need to implement for everyone to minimize the lag. Chunkloader is one of the limit we apply, as constant loading of chunk(s) with many machinery can generate massive lag. I am not saying that this suggestion is invalid by any means, but I believe this will be very unlikely to be implemented due to shortcomings I outlined above.
  3. As far as my knowledge goes, you can only obtain lordic stone using the following method: 1. Using Translocation Marker, mark the top of translocation matrix. 2. Place stone on top 3. Apply redstone signal to matrix This will unlock transmutation knowledge and will transform the aforementioned stone into lordic stone. This process can be repeated as many times as you want.
  4. Granted, but you got no data left. I wish I cannot be tired.
  5. Granted, but you don’t know how to resume time so you commit suicide because you felt alone too long. I wish to be invincible.
  6. Granted, but you will accidently lock yourself in castle and starve. I wish I have better computer.
  7. until

    No need to add words, by far the greatest stream I've ever seen.
  8. Hello. Here I will explain the bug with pneumaticcraft and how to fix it. If you make(or spawn) a pneumatic helmet from PneumaticCraft and place it on your head armour slot, you are now stuck in bug loop. From that point, when you try to open your inventory, you will now see GUI of pneumatic helmet, not your inventory. It is an issue with NEK(Not Enough Keys) mod and PneumatiCcraft. To solve this you need to open configuration file of PneumaticCraft. To do this go to [Where your modpack is installed]\config\PneumaticCraft.cfg Find 'third_party_enabling' and change 'B:notenoughkeys=true' to 'false'. More about this can be found at: https://github.com/MineMaarten/PneumaticCraft/issues/767
  9. Best of best boiis
  10. Hawaiian pizza is best
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