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Cold_Fire2112 last won the day on May 22 2016

Cold_Fire2112 had the most liked content!

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Stone Miner

Stone Miner (6/26)



  1. Living life to the fullest

  2. I know there is a sign in spawn, but if you want to check the livemap without logging on, here is the link. http://tekkit.craftersland.net:25800/
  3. Playing League of Legends

  4. Playing Leage of Legends

  5. Playing Hearthstone or League of Legends.

  6. "If you chose not to decide, you've still made a choice"-Rush

  7. "United we'll fail, divided we'll fall"-BMTH

  8. Ramsay Snow: My mother taught me not to throw stones at cripples... but my father taught me: aim for their head!

  9. "My mother said not to throw stones at cripples, but my father told me to aim for their head!"-Ramsay Snow

  10. "My mother said not to throw stones at cripples, but my father told me to aim for their head!"-Ramsey Snow

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