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Everything posted by Kaszanka_1234

  1. You conviniently didn't include the part where you tried to wall in the claim multiple times prior to that. But regardless of that, thank you for providing proof that you griefed the claim, since building right against the claim border to inconvene the residents is, in fact, griefing Considering this, Request denied
  2. Denied What you did is widely considered a criminal act and should be reported to an appropriate police unit in your country, but maybe we don't want to destroy life of a stupid kid that might still do something with it. Having said that, we don't want to see you here ever again. Good bye
  3. You were warned for spamming irrelevant content, that had no effect You were kicked for spamming irrelevant content, that had no effect That only left one option to stop your incessant shitposting. If you want proof, just look at your message history, it's all just shitposts not even relevant to anything. There is indeed no point in having a discussion because nothing is going to change.
  4. The game is crashing because of insufficient memory, meaning that either the 4GB you assigned is not enough, or you simply have not enough free memory on your PC. If you have more than 8GB of ram total in your PC try assigning some more to minecraft, if you have 8 or less, try assigning 3 instead of 4GB, also try closing any unneeded programs or restarting your PC
  5. As per request, this topic was reviewed and appropriate actions will be taken. Thank you for your input
  6. In the evidence I eventually received it clearly shows you moving the tags around, which is in fact griefing the spawn in which case the only punishment is a permanent ban. Nothing else of what you mentioned is relevant to this case. As such the ban is justified and will stay. T/C
  7. You forgot to mention you got the money for breaking server rules. The type of punishment issued is at the discretion of staff and since you admitted in game that you are okay with breaking the server rules and getting punished as long as you get paid, I decided to also incur a fine on you. You did not have enough balance available for the fine so i had to either set your balance to negative, or take away the items that you bought with the money, or both. I don't believe that anyone on the staff team would disagree with my judgement in this case, on the contrary, they would do the exact same thing.
  8. It's not a matter of rng, you simply did not receive enough keys to open this many crates.
  9. After reviewing the logs, you were found to open significantly more crates than you got keys for. This was an amount of keys you couldn't have gotten without exploiting bugs to dupe, in which case the ban was justified, or without getting the keys from someone else who duped, in which case you should have reported this to staff, or otherwise you are an accomplice to duping, meaning the ban was also justified
  10. We'll see about opening a new wipe vote soon
  11. We'll see about opening a new wipe vote soon
  12. There were some technical difficulties while migrating the server to a new host, the wipe will be done in due time. In the meantime the topic will be closed due to most responses being unconstructive.
  13. rollback complete, if anything is missing make a list of items blow for a refund
  14. Rollback complete, if anything is missing make a list of items below for a refund
  15. You bought the rank on Tekkit server, not Tekkit 2 I moved it and you should get it shortly
  16. claims and playerdata were cleared, gm1 removed, you can delete the homes yourself
  17. Worldedit perms were added. Other commands are staff only permissions assigned at appropriate staff rank, you should probably re-read what are the permissions and responsibilities of a HELPER Any abuse of given permissions, INCLUDING using them for staff work that is outside of given rank's scope of responsibilities, will result in their removal
  18. No, it was not reasonable of you to assume that full boxes of identical tools and armors are legitimate, if you asked someone about this we wouldn't have this situation, but instead you decided to keep low profile and keep this to yourself. If something seems too good to be true, it's because it usually is. The ban was justified, unban rejected
  19. Rollback complete if anything is missing make a list of items below for a refund
  20. There is standalone claim blocks kit available on the list https://craftersland.buycraft.net/category/tekkit2-kits
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