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Everything posted by Kaszanka_1234

  1. Rollback complete if anything is missing make a list of items below for a refund
  2. There is standalone claim blocks kit available on the list https://craftersland.buycraft.net/category/tekkit2-kits
  3. Thank you for the report, player was punished accordingly. The player doesn't have the items you listed. If you want the items back, please make a refund request, with a list of items, or if you don't remember what you had, a rollback request either on forums under https://forum.craftersland.net/forum/352-technical-support/ or via discord in #create-ticket channel
  4. Staff impersonation is a severe misconduct and as such will not be taken lightly in any case, additionally you've broken the rules multiple times in the past. Someone else doing wrong and not being punished for it is not a justification, we cannot see all the messages at all times, if you see someone breaking the rules you should report them. You had your chance and wasted it, unban rejected T/C
  5. Rollbacked your base to 26 Feb as that is the closes backup, unfortunately the only backup before that is at 10 Feb. Please let us know if this rollback fixed your issue or not
  6. inventory reverted to original, transportation sigil placed in your inventory
  7. Rollback complete, if anything is missing reply below with a list of items
  8. I'll be looking into it sometime this week. The command is /bcl but for whatever reason it does not work.
  9. player punished accordingly t/c
  10. If you want to request an unban please follow this template t/c
  11. I said exactly what you were banned for. I suggest reading it again or taking a class on reading comprehension if you are still unable to understand it. unban rejected t/c
  12. You were banned because of constantly getting into conflicts with other players, constant harassment, insulting and threatening others including server staff. You only started being "nice" and helping people to have them come to you or you to them, to get their taglocks and curse them later. You truly are a despicable being that is unwelcome here. Unban rejected t/c
  13. You were banned because of constantly getting into conflicts with other players, constant harassment, insulting and threatening others including server staff. You only started being "nice" and helping people to have them come to you or you to them, to get their taglocks and curse them later. You truly are a despicable being that is unwelcome here. Unban rejected t/c
  14. You spawned a lot more items than a "one time mistake", including crafting ingredients and tools. You also broke a rule regarding sale of creatively influenced items, since by that point, your entire base was creatively influenced. Any creative abuse on this server will be punished with extreme prejudice, so you and maybe others will think twice before doing anything stupid regarding creative. Request rejected
  15. second overworld is unnecessary considering there are dimensions like twilight, the beneath, etc. where you can mine for resources and mostly find the same things that exist in the overworld. As for the resets, all the other dimensions are resetting more or less every month which should be sufficient.
  16. rollback complete if anything is missing make a list below for a refund
  17. rollback complete if anything is missing make a list below for a refund
  18. player with name "Metrarch" has never joined this server
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