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About TanujGaming

  • Birthday 02/20/2005

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  1. Granted, but after the 100 years. I wish I could be as rich as Bill Gates
  2. Granted, just take it I don't mind I wish that Russia breaks up into 10 pieces
  3. I will smash it with a hammer! What would you do if you get 500 billion dollar?
  4. No, that's not granted I wish all the graphic cards in the world become free for 72 hours!
  5. I would see his lifestyle. What would you do if you were granted any of your 3 wishes?
  6. Anyone here plays San Andreas Multilpayer? If yes, comment down and here's my info! I play with these usernames - TANUJ, Abuser1950, Stark Comment down to play with me!
  7. Granted, but of India I wish that I play for Indian Cricket Team soon!
  8. I'll ask a question like 'What would you do if it was the last day of your life?' Then you should answer and then below ask your question that includes 'What would you do if?' and so on.. Okay, I'll start.. What would you do if it was the last day of your life?
  9. Sleep with an open window tonight! 1400 mosquitos like that. 420 mosquitos commented on it. 210 mosquitos shared this. One mosquito invited for the event. 2800 mosquitos will be attending the event.
  10. So, my turn now
  11. Amazing man. Keep the good work up.
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