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Posts posted by ItsHarryFan11

  1. Podrias publicar la transaccion de PayPal para poder verificar tu rango? Tambien podrias decirnos que servidor era en el que tenias Premium?
    Could you post the PayPal trasaction so we verify your rank? And also tell us in which server you had the Premium Rank

  2. In-Game Name: Kipperoner
    Rank: Premium - Assassins
    Old Server: 
    New Server:
    Proof of Ownership: 
    https://prnt.sc/kx6nq4  ,  https://prnt.sc/kx6n66  ,  https: //prnt.sc/kxxfix  ,  http://prntscr.com/kxxgol  ,  https://prnt.sc/kx6o1s  ,  https://prnt.sc/kx6oey

    Special Perms: 


    In case it wasn't well understood, I want all my ranks that I bought for other players, including my VIP rank + Assassins Premium Update to be converted into a Sponsor rank with a value of $49.99



    Podrias la siguiente vez traducir lo mas que puedas la solicitud? Esto nos facilita entender lo que necesitas :)
    Next time could you translate your rank transfer request? It makes your request easier for us to understand :)

  3. I don't remember needing to find the Solar System planets for completing "The Last Frontier", you only really have that so you go back to earth if you need to.

    As for the Ionite one you don't need the ocean either unless you want the oxygen liquid from there but since there's a free water tank and basically infinite water I don't see the need for that really.


    Either way I asked for this to be moved to Cont Suggestions since it's posted under the wrong subforum :)

    If you need some help regarding AR you can msg me, I know most of the mod.

  4. Account Name: ItsHarryFan11
    Rank: Sponsor+
    Requested Commands^: /top - /thru - /ic
    Reason for Request*: 


    /top and /thru = I use those both to be building around in my bases and in the city project I have

    now the controversial one

    /ic = I mainly want this one since as many of Cont staff might know, I have a town project in Cont and I used /ic in case they went over their plot size limit and put their stuff back together in their plot. Considering I got to GM and never had a complaint of griefing, even I got requests of putting back stuff in their plots cause they died in my base :P, besides, I have GMC so I don't really have a reason to raid or grief people.


    Thank you for your time :)

    Also enable my Signature on Forums ples I have no idea why I can't have one anymore

  5. Thanks for your comments but this really doesn't belong in Technical Support, more in General, so I'll move it there.


    Next post you could try and formulate more so it doesn't look like post-farming either :) 


    Keep on having fun! :D 


  6. Brand New Town in Continuum finally arrives!


    Aydenopolis (Formerly known as HarryTown 2.0)


    Changes from HarryTown and Aydenopolis

    • New Plot Size! (3x3 chunk sizes, can be expanded to 6x6 depending on the terrain and situation)
    • New Aesthetics!
    • Public RF Source (Coming Soon)
    • Public Machines (Coming Soon)
    • Public Farm containing all foods in-game (Coming Soon)
    • And more!!!


    Send a message In-Game or through Discord (Link in my profile) for more details :)



  7. As far as I know Community Bans are permanent whether you buy an unban or not because you did a very terrible and wrong thing that got you that ban in the first place. 

    We don't do refunds either so if you wanna explain your case on why you should get unbanned without buying another unban (For Tekkit in this case) and make another unban request in Infinity Evolved in its respective forum go ahead.

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