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Everything posted by ItsHarryFan11

  1. This has always been a problem in Continuum as far as I can recall, server restart will fix until a massive lag spike hits again and breaks them again
  2. i can't use the template because it's not a suggestion of a game or idk sorry. Anyways it's a suggestion so you please put a market sign up to be able to buy 64 xp bottles thanks
  3. Inventory Cleared, can you confirm you can log in?
  4. never
  5. Podrias publicar la transaccion de PayPal para poder verificar tu rango? Tambien podrias decirnos que servidor era en el que tenias Premium? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Could you post the PayPal trasaction so we verify your rank? And also tell us in which server you had the Premium Rank
  6. This is quicker if you need to get sent to spawn https://craftersland.buycraft.net/category/1347141
  7. Town is still growing! Come over while there's space
  8. Review rewards normally take 1 week to go through with bruny since he's the only one able to do them, just be patient.
  9. I don't remember needing to find the Solar System planets for completing "The Last Frontier", you only really have that so you go back to earth if you need to. As for the Ionite one you don't need the ocean either unless you want the oxygen liquid from there but since there's a free water tank and basically infinite water I don't see the need for that really. Either way I asked for this to be moved to Cont Suggestions since it's posted under the wrong subforum If you need some help regarding AR you can msg me, I know most of the mod.
  10. Account Name: ItsHarryFan11Rank: Sponsor+Requested Commands^: /top - /thru - /icReason for Request*: /top and /thru = I use those both to be building around in my bases and in the city project I have now the controversial one /ic = I mainly want this one since as many of Cont staff might know, I have a town project in Cont and I used /ic in case they went over their plot size limit and put their stuff back together in their plot. Considering I got to GM and never had a complaint of griefing, even I got requests of putting back stuff in their plots cause they died in my base :P, besides, I have GMC so I don't really have a reason to raid or grief people. Thank you for your time Also enable my Signature on Forums ples I have no idea why I can't have one anymore
  11. This has been a long known bug ever since Continuum started, caused by basically massive lag spikes that break the fluxducts or item/fluiducts whenever a massive lag spike goes through. The only fix for this is to restart the server, either you have to wait or ping a manager for him to restart it.
  12. Wipes are generally 6-8 months apart, more than enough time to endgame the modpack really.
  13. Thanks for your comments but this really doesn't belong in Technical Support, more in General, so I'll move it there. Next post you could try and formulate more so it doesn't look like post-farming either Keep on having fun!
  14. Brand New Town in Continuum finally arrives! Aydenopolis (Formerly known as HarryTown 2.0) Changes from HarryTown and Aydenopolis New Plot Size! (3x3 chunk sizes, can be expanded to 6x6 depending on the terrain and situation) New Aesthetics! Public RF Source (Coming Soon) Public Machines (Coming Soon) Public Farm containing all foods in-game (Coming Soon) And more!!! Send a message In-Game or through Discord (Link in my profile) for more details
  15. Someone posted this link in Continuum chat since the original one was terribly slow, I checked it myself and it seems virus-free. https://drive.google.com/file/d/10gGYW7O9fSOz_DnbFiui0_Zu1LUQIzp4/view
  16. As far as I know Community Bans are permanent whether you buy an unban or not because you did a very terrible and wrong thing that got you that ban in the first place. We don't do refunds either so if you wanna explain your case on why you should get unbanned without buying another unban (For Tekkit in this case) and make another unban request in Infinity Evolved in its respective forum go ahead.
  17. It's gonna be on a file that'll be uploaded on the WIPE post that bruny posted.
  18. We’d have to test space stations still but still follow the guide just in case
  19. It had to happen eventually considering all the problems we’ve been having since New Years
  20. From what I’ve seen on past wipes the whole world, including other DIMs get wiped and replaced by other maps, your base and inventory gets wiped and its a brand new and fresh start. I’ve never seen if there’s a way to transfer your base or something like that but even if there was a way the whole point of the wipe is to remove inactive bases and problematic chunks that keep on crashing the server and making TPS drop to levels where the server and automations can’t even function correctly.
  21. This guide is to help you have a working space stations since you might encounter the bug of them not working and not dropping stuff when you break them when you first create one. We will look and list the procedure to actually make them work. It is very important to follow these steps so you don't get locked out of your space station. Make a space station with the following inside A chest 2 CO2 Scrubbers 1 Oxygen Vent 1 Lever 1 Powercell (Medium+) / Energy Cell Satellite Bay Guidance Computer Warp Core (Fully built) and a spare Warp Core Block Warp Computer Process it correctly in the Space Station Assembler and make several copies of the Space Station ID Chip. Make a rocket and in the Guidance Computer put the Space Station ID Chip, then put the Space Station Container in the Satellite Bay Make sure you go up with several High Pressure Tanks filled with Oxygen installed in your Space Station suit, you can equip a jetpack if you desire so too, just don't go up with extra inventory space like backpacks since it might corrupt your space station if the following issues happen. Launch your rocket and wait to get teleported to Space DIM Now there's 2 things that may happen, either you spawn on y1000 and you'll see on your minimap you spawned besides your space station, do not panic, just hover to the top of your space station and wait for you to gently fall to your space station. If that doesn't happen it means you spawned correctly in your space station, but you'll notice you're not able to break stuff. Follow these steps if you're having this problem. Go inside your space station, make sure you're able to have space to move. Disconnect inside the space station and reconnect in a span of 30 seconds. Once you're back in the server you'll either spawn inside the space station or once again in y1000, just wait for you to fall. Break whatever block you want to come inside or if you got a preinstalled airlock door setup just press the buttons or pull the lever. You'll notice you're able to use everything now, just confirm you're able to use everything and when you do replace the Warp Core by the spare one you brought with yourself. Now you can start using space stations and keep on going with the quest line Hope I helped enough Coming soon with pictures to make the tutorial easier to understand
  22. More than being an issue that they wouldn’t care about it’s more of being a benign issue that barely affects gameplay, also seems to be isolated to multiplayer, tested AE2 in Singleplayer Cont and DW1.12 and both didn’t show any signs of losing the data. Making a fix would probably be overkill since, as you said, it only happens randomly and not at all restarts. Best regards
  23. This happens at Continuum too, seems to be an AE2 issue that just randomly disconnects P2P links everytime a restart happens or at least when some restarts that aren't scheduled happen, I suggest having different Memory Cards to set them back up since there's nothing else we can really do yet but to wait for a fix. The security terminal getting disconnected or getting locked is a problem that happens at 1.12 servers too, it's just a matter of breaking and placing it back. If you have any more questions about this issue feel free to reply
  24. I already answered to you on discord over this problem, told you that we have tried everything to fix this and at this point it's a compatibility issue with other mods or just resetting the files of the mod every month since it relies on the date, nothing we can really do anymore except resetting everything again every month, as I already said in discord try changing to another system. Not gonna close this topic in case something comes out as a fix soon.
  25. There's currently not many dimensions in Continuum, and even if they are the Matter Receiver/Transmitted would need to be chunkloaded in the other dimension, which isn't possible right now due to chunkloaders being a WIP. I was talking about using the Elytras or the Jetpacks to move around with more ease.
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