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Everything posted by ItsHarryFan11

  1. I couldn't recreate the same error, instead they just simply don't work, investigating in forums seems like a mod compatibility issue, I suggest using other means of transportation.
  2. Yeah it's all cool and all but I still can't upload a photo larger than 0MB.
  3. Item added to Spawn Shop under the Misc section. T/C
  4. That's a mod issue that can't be fixed from our side, we need to wait for yet another AR update for that to be fixed in a multiplayer side.
  5. The modpack already has its own chunkloader which is a work in progress, the thing with offline/online chunkloaders is that COntinuum being a very automation based modpack we can't really give out chunkloaders like they're water, they'd lag up the server massively. Hopefully in the future the Tech Reborn chunkloader is finished and you could use it to chunkload your stuff.
  6. Possible fix @brunyman? It says something about modifying planetdefs.xml and setting it true since it's on false by default
  7. Which item are you talking about? Storage Scanner?
  8. Server got updated to Continuum 1.6.0, XNet is in the updated mods list. You could check if this bug still keeps happening, if not tell us.
  9. Server got updated to Continuum 1.6.0, Advanced Rocketry is in the updated mods list. Try searching for planets now.
  10. Apartments starting at $2500
  11. Plots still available, contact ItsHarryFan11
  12. The problem is the cable setup, it's as if you had a resonant fluxduct and then continued the line with leadstone fluxducts, it downgrades the level and throttles the connection, in this case it just closes it. You either use pure cryotheum or pure glass cables. Or you could change to Flux points/plugs or XNet.
  13. We already have the Auction plugin for you to offer stuff, and we have the Community Market too, we could consider the addition of another plugin but those 2 should be enough.
  14. We need to wait for an update of Advanced Rocketry to roll in so we can update the server files and make the mod work, apart from that theres not much we can do. -Harry
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