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Everything posted by Mr.Huge

  1. Your Name: MHuge Coordiantes: NW: (-987, 65, 304) NE: (-974, 65, 305) SW: (-987, 65, 312) SE: (-974, 65, 312) Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/timezone/date when everything was fine): Wed Jan 03 12:00 PM UTC 2024 Description of Issue: I came back yesterday(Jan 05 2024) and found that my base was gone, finding natural terrain instead. The base was just a basic one generated with "Starting House" item, so it is not a big problem. Nevertheless, it would be good to understand what causes this in order to avoid it in the future. The terrain is still claimed by me. According to the other players on the server, there has been no rollbacks or other special circumstances. Screenshots (Optional):
  2. Hello, I have been experiencing game lag since updating to R.A.D v1.53 a few days ago. I found the following reddit thread specifying java arguments to use(supposedly for garbage collection): For the record, adding the following arguments solved the problem for me: Happy gaming, cheers!
  3. Hello, Playing with a mate who was in my team, I noticed that we were not able to see each other on the map. Is this normal behavior? Is there something to configure in order to track each other on the map? This seemed to be working in some versions of journeymap according to posts on reddit. Any ideas? Cheers, Mr.Huge
  4. Great stuff! Really digging this modpack! Thanks Craftersland for making this still possible in 2023!
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