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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (4/26)



  1. Launcher issue: The game is running. Please wait. Invalid initial heap size: -Xms4096M The specified size exceeds the maximum representable size. Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine. Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit. Process ended with code: 1 Solved: Launcher issue has been fixed by installing 64-Bit-Java for Windows Version 8 Update 291 https://www.java.com/de/download/
  2. Very good suggestion, I'm fully supporting this request! Thank you TwiZtedXero!
  3. @grkaetWe have a Party!!! Thank you EPICfighters! Thank you - Thank you - Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
  4. Hi Admins, I want to have a questbook party with another user in Continuum, but I wasn't expecting that he already had a party and I created my own party. I can't leave my party and I can't kick myself. I think this is a bug in betterquesting. Can you help me? I read that the team should be removed in the betterquesting config file on the server.
  5. I must say, that I'm suspecting that they used the same seed in the previous wipes, I asked that before, but got no answer to it. The possibility that the area is the same in different seeds is so tiny, there are a 18 quintillion seeds. You can try to visit special spots on the next seed and see if you will see the same very unique thing, for example: I have written down some spawner positions or coordinates of a lucky spots where Redstone, Diamond and Lapis are found together.
  6. I don't get it, if there will be a new map seed, what's the difference to a new type of map location?
  7. Your Name: GreynixIsland Owner Name: GreynixCoordinates: -13057, 15638, 67Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 4:00 PM / (Berlin/Germany) UTC/GMT+2 / 14th September 2020Description of Issue: I broke a compact chest, not knowing, that it spills out the content and the content immediately disappears. It would be great if you can restore the compact chest or rollback the island, thank you!
  8. Is terraforming of the Moon disabled?
  9. I checked the planetDefs.xml file in the config folder of advRocketery. Can you please explain, how to get the Bucket of Oxygen? If not, please remove it from the config file.
  10. [Update]: The config file of Advanced Rocketery has to be modified as the documentary says that the necessary artifact "oxygencharger" has been renamed to "gascharger": GitHub -  AdvancedRocketryDoc/AdvancedRocketry/index.php ------ Hi I have found already all planets to complete the quest line "The Last Frontier". That was out of curiosity. My next goal is to terraform the Moon. That's why I need Hydrogen and Nitrogen in huge masses. I figured out, that Nitrogen can be mined with the unmanned vehicle from the planet "AdvancedGases". Today I checked again the config file of Advanced Rocketery and saw, that the uncraftable artifact "OxygeneBucket" has been removed as necessary artifact. I will try to scan it now!
  11. Moon Landing with Lightnessxp
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