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About Blockboi69965

  • Birthday October 19

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  • Location:
    USA Central

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Blockboi69965's Achievements

  1. Your Name: Salt9264 Coordinates: my inventory Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 2/16/22 2pm CST Description of Issue: i stopped playing for 11 weeks and when i came back my entire backpack was empty Screenshots (Optional):
  2. schematica isn't working when I place a schem not blocks appear and my movement turns all funky like im drunk or something I just wanted to build my tower ?
  3. as a sponsor I would love to see RL craft be added
  4. Account Name: Salt9264Rank: Sponsor+Requested Commands^: /exp <player> <amount> and /enchant <player> <enchantment ID>[level]Reason for Request*: for a easy access to exp for when you cant get the amount that you need and enchantments for when you cant get a certain one your looking for or cant get it in survival
  5. Your Name: Salt9264Item Name + Amount: backpack full of all mystical ag seeds besides dragon and nether star paid 10k for them and now there goneCoordinates: my sf4 islandDescription of Issue: I paid 10k for all the seeds yesterday and when I got back online they were all gone I have S+ but I wanted to do the modpack semi legitScreenshots (Optional):
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