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3XJ last won the day on May 10 2023

3XJ had the most liked content!

About 3XJ

  • Birthday March 17

Contact Methods

  • Website URL
    Discord: 3xj#0001

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  1. I rolled your world to the backup from today. Let me know if it's not what you need and I can put it back to before.
  2. Rollback complete
  3. Your base was [Completely Wiped] T/C
  4. Claim removed T/C
  5. Notice: You must be active during the checking period to gain the Top Voter rank. If you are not an active player, then the next player will get the rank. Congratulations to all the Top Voters!! Congratulations to cabalmaster for being a Top Voter for the 29th consecutive time! Congratulations to LordWarlock for being a Top Voter for the 9th consecutive time on Infinity Evolved, 7th consecutive time on DDSS and 4th consecutive time on GTNH! Congratulations to llaya for being a Top Voter for the 5th consecutive time! Congratulations to EnchantedKing for being a Top Voter for the 4th consecutive time! Congratulations to voin_947, Phantomdrake, Ysadria, Papikus_, and Fantomqc for being Top Voters for the 2nd consecutive time. Well done to all! The April Top Voters are: All The Mods 6: Czolgista123 Continuum: Phantomdrake Dungeons Dragons and Space Shuttles: LordWarlock Direwolf20 1.7: Ysadria Direwolf20 1.12: LordWarlock Direwolf20 1.18: voin_947 GregTech New Horizons: LordWarlock Infinity Evolved: LordWarlock Interactions: BeVolescu MC Eternal: illstealyostuf Network: GuilleVX Nomifactory: Gedzerath Pixelmon: JebacBydgoszcz Project Ozone 3: EnchantedKing Revelation: llaya Roguelike Adventures and Dungeons: MrSaer RLCraft: 1tap_ez Skyfactory 2.5: Papikus_ Skyfactory 4: Lets_game6531 Stoneblock 2: OGDarkVampire Tekkit: cabalmaster Tekkit 2: fantomqc On behalf of all the staff, a big thank you to everyone who voted for our servers!! Enjoy your new rank in-game! Best of luck to everyone on becoming next month's Top Voter! Ranks will be given after this post. If there are any problems please reply with a mention or message me directly on Discord. https://forum.craftersland.net/topic/28074-monthly-top-voter-rank-rise-above-them-all/ If there are any problems, please contact a manager on Discord
  6. Issue has been resolved
  7. Refined storage mod on servers is extremely unstable and regularly has this effect. Please do not use Refined Storage. If issues like this continue to arise, we will most likely ban the mod.
  8. You have to login within 7d of the Top Voter check. I checked across the network servers and I could not find a server which you logged into less than 7 days ago. If you still believe that is incorrect please reply back. These servers did not have valid top voters so the rank was not awarded on these servers. You both tied. As LordWarlock already has a Top Voter streak, the rank was given to them.
  9. Notice: You must be active during the checking period to gain the Top Voter rank. If you are not an active player, then the next player will get the rank. Congratulations to all the Top Voters!! Congratulations to cabalmaster for being a Top Voter for the 28th consecutive time! Congratulations to MrBombastik for being a Top Voter for the 20th consecutive time! Congratulations to LordWarlock for being a Top Voter for the 8th consecutive time on Infinity Evolved, 6th consecutive time on DDSS and 3rd consecutive time on GTNH! Congratulations to ArmunsseN for being a Top Voter for the 6th consecutive time! Congratulations to llaya for being a Top Voter for the 4th consecutive time! Congratulations to EnchantedKing for being a Top Voter for the 3rd consecutive time! The March Top Voters are: All The Mods 6: Fazlin Continuum: Phantomdrake Dungeons Dragons and Space Shuttles: LordWarlock Direwolf20 1.7: Ysadria Direwolf20 1.12: LordWarlock Direwolf20 1.18: voin_947 GregTech New Horizons: LordWarlock Infinity Evolved: LordWarlock Nomifactory: JebacBydgoszcz Oceanblock: mmarcusj Project Ozone 3: MrBombastik Revelation: llaya RLCraft: IliacBay Sky Adventures: windgaard Skyfactory 2.5: Papikus_ Skyfactory 4: EnchantedKing Stoneblock 2: xFlexP Tekkit: cabalmaster Tekkit 2: fantomqc Ultimate Reloaded: ArmunsseN On behalf of all the staff, a big thank you to everyone who voted for our servers!! Enjoy your new rank in-game! Best of luck to everyone on becoming next month's Top Voter! Ranks will be given after this post. If there are any problems please reply with a mention or message me directly on Discord. https://forum.craftersland.net/topic/28074-monthly-top-voter-rank-rise-above-them-all/ If there are any problems, please contact a manager on Discord
  10. 3XJ

    Chunk loading

    I have responded to your question in DMs. Closing topic to avoid future necroposting
  11. Rank transferred to your correct name
  12. Package transfer complete
  13. On this server, you gain 120 claimblocks per hour. You can buy extra using ingame cash using /buyclaimblocks. I believe the price is $50 for each claim block. You can also purchase the Claim Blocks Kit from our donation store. It gives you an 40960 extra claim blocks blocks or 160 chunks.
  14. Notice: You must be active during the voting period to gain the Top Voter rank. If you are not an active player, then the next player will get the rank. Congratulations to all the Top Voters!! Congratulations to cabalmaster for being a Top Voter for the 27th consecutive time! Congratulations to MrBombastik for being a Top Voter for the 19th consecutive time! Congratulations to LordWarlock for being a Top Voter for the 7th consecutive time on Infinity Evolved, 5th consecutive time on DDSS and 2nd consecutive time on GTNH! Congratulations to ArmunsseN for being a Top Voter for the 5th consecutive time! Congratulations to llaya for being a Top Voter for the 3rd consecutive time! Congratulations to EnchantedKing & GuilleVX for being a Top Voter for the 2nd consecutive time! The February Top Voters are: All The Mods 6: BILHUS Continuum: d0987766 Dungeons Dragons and Space Shuttles: LordWarlock Direwolf20 1.7: HeavyMiso Direwolf20 1.12: LordWarlock Direwolf20 1.18: Rosco GregTech New Horizons: LordWarlock Infinity Evolved: LordWarlock Interactions: tfs1 MCEternal: ziipur Network: GuilleVX Nomifactory: Merbi Oceanblock: TheLeksGaming Project Ozone 3: MrBombastik Roguelike Adventures and Dungeons: 8454 Revelation: llaya RLCraft: Hifiveuniverse Skyfactory 2.5: TheFalloutLord Skyfactory 3: zbo907 Skyfactory 4: EnchantedKing Stoneblock 2: Noobskillz1 Tekkit: cabalmaster Tekkit 2: eg6 Ultimate Reloaded: ArmunsseN On behalf of all the staff, a big thank you to everyone who voted for our servers!! Enjoy your new rank in-game! Best of luck to everyone on becoming next month's Top Voter! Ranks will be given after this post. If there are any problems please reply with a mention or message me directly on Discord. https://forum.craftersland.net/topic/28074-monthly-top-voter-rank-rise-above-them-all/ If there are any problems, please contact a manager on Discord
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