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About SnakeHacks

  • Birthday 12/24/1870

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    Discord - Loa Kamisama#5749
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    Discord - Loa Kamisama#5749
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    Discord - Loa Kamisama#5749
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    Discord - Loa Kamisama#5749
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    Discord - Loa Kamisama#5749
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    Discord - Loa Kamisama#5749
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    Discord - Loa Kamisama#5749

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  1. Oh it was there? Woops sorry, I was sorting from "newest" posts, it didn't show me where it's from, haha.
  2. You should probably mention which server this is for.
  3. sounds hot, good luck.
  4. Your Name: SnakeHackz Coordinates: My house. Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): November 10th 18:29. Description of Issue: The server was rollbacked with around 10 mins, I lost my bow, it had some expensive enchants so i can't really refund it, thanks reverser Screenshots (Optional):
  5. Your Name: SnakeHackz Coordinates: Don't know, somewhere in the mining dimension. Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 12:20 18/10/2020 Description of Issue: I was in the Mining Dimension, looking for dungeons to try and mine some spawners, I took off my chest plate because it gave me a jetpack boost whenever I jump, then I suddenly ran into a Cyclops which picked me up and one shot me, I tried /back but it's not a safe location so I couldn't, there isn't a death waypoint either. Please can you rollback my inventory, I'm #1 on /baltop I have 200k+ I'll give them all to you, I really need my stuff back, especially the sword. Screenshots (Optional):
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