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Everything posted by Spykiller45

  1. Dear God it needs a wipe.....about 99% opf the servers here need wiping tbch
  2. 48 Gb suggests an overworld wipe is long overdue
  3. Yea a wipe might be nice..maybe bruny will notice it since its on the forums
  4. My megabase on nomifactory big thanks to my basemate quartss for digging out a good chunk of the hole pic is of the lowermost floor due to file size limitations
  5. Yea there are a few ghost servers that dont see the love anymore...
  6. Yeah just do what seems the most economical
  7. People play on tekkitmain? a little suprised at that..and whats not to say they wont play tekkit2
  8. Seems like the best course of action economically....i dont know what provider you use but none of them are cheap....so shutting off tekkitmain might anger a few people..but economically it is a solid choice
  9. Can confirm tekkit2 is a great pack hands down....have played it on a different host..would love to see your guys take on it
  10. thats kinda sad as feed the factory is a pretty neat 1.12 based pack
  11. Yea as for as mimimal effort goes CEU port is the way to go
  12. That is maybe theoretically doable..but it would invite world corruption or chunk lags...
  13. to be fair bruny is busy and i think only he has the powers to perform updates....maybe he could look into letting managers do updates but...for now i cant see it as a huge issue
  14. Id say yea move over to nomifactory....its a solid pack..thats pretty fun
  15. If the issue returns i suggest posting your logs or screensharing what happens to staff thru discord....as without that data we cannot help
  16. i say we dump 1.7 in favour of 1.18 id much prefer to have all the 1.1x DW packs
  17. We will look into it assuming one of us is on when he is
  18. can confirm if i wanted top play ult reloaded id want a wipe....(only dont due to not having time and im not a huge fan of your chunkloading system.....i get that it keeps the tps smooth..but honestly id much prefer to not have to spend my hard earned money on chunk loading.....)
  19. yea its a shame too as the pack is decent
  20. randomizing the mining world would be a good idea..but then might be complicated due to how oregen works in the pack
  21. yea....would love tov see admins put a shop up for that.....sadly there isnt too much staff for gtnh
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