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Everything posted by Filiz

  1. Im very sad because CEu seriously change pack and makes him more gregified. Too many things changed, its no more Omnifactory. I came to Omnifactory for rest from GT, but now pack turned into what I wanted to rest from. I feel rejection.
  2. Yes, all the same with me.
  3. I choose "WIPE and upgrade to Nomifactory modpack, the continuation of Omnifactory." Why not upgrade to Nomifactory without wipe? I don't detect lags and maybe instead turn off chunkloading for players, who don't log in more than a week? I play on server two weeks and I don't really want to wipe. Or maybe there is a way to transfer player's inventory to upgraded server? ----------------------------------------------- I have other idea: server with modpack "TerraFirmaResque" based on GregTech 6 and TerraFirmaCraft. Because I searching for server with this modpack for years and I can't find it nowhere, despite the fact that the combination of mods is very interesting. However, I came here to play Omnifactory (Nomifactory) and would not want to lose this server. So maybe is it possible switch some other server to TerraFirmaResque?
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