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Derp last won the day on August 20 2015

Derp had the most liked content!


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  1. Utility items are always great no matter what tier your on, like conduits, filters, adv.filters, big filters(EnderIO) etc. Some commonly useful items like magnets, backpacks, copter pack even a ender chest/tank are great. I do agree above, not a fun of the rerolls either. Also the mv shouldnt even be in a legendary crate since its still pretty early game xD
  2. Aside of the fact its broken in other dimensions? Yeah sure it claims in the overworld instead of the given dimension, wait till it starts overlapping. Im sure you tried when you tested the server right?
  3. Seems there are alot of issues with mytown default settings, mostly with claiming, town spawn, back. Unsure who did the configuration but its pure shit and doesnt work, can we get brunyman's default settings back already? Or at lest let someone who knows what his doing fix it, thanks.
  4. Would be nice to be able to buy those.
  5. Lost one too...
  6. Derp

    Temporal bee

    Seems to be working again, thanks!
  7. Seems the effect was removed/disabled by some server config past last update, please enable it again. Thanks.
  8. Regardless of the amount of people the spikes happen every couple minutes for a few second, the tps goes from 20 down to 0, then back to 20. Doesnt seem like anything really causes it. Edit: Although, seems to occur more frequent during data saves.
  9. True a fix would be nice
  10. Derp

    End ores

    Since the end portal doesn't work, there is no way of getting specific ores that are needed for late game. It would be really nice if we could get those added to the spawn stores till the issue is resolved. Ores you get in the end dimension: Iridium Ore, Palladium ore, Platinum ore, Tungstate ore, Dragon heart and Chaos shard. Also another thing we're missing is the Infernal Deconglomerator machine recipe, it's supposed to be a chest drop in nether dungeons but we don't have those on the server so its impossible to get.
  11. After building the nether portal and activating it, it doesnt teleport you, nothing happens.
  12. Yep, still doesn't produce a mad scientist
  13. Derp

    Happy bday :)

    1. Timur


      Thank you!

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