Monocrame Posted December 30, 2015 Posted December 30, 2015 Well today I am starting a new minecraft playthough with this modpack. It is designed to be a revamp of tekkit. Hopefully it is new and exciting for players to try. I started off, by digging a hole. Diggy diggy hole after I made some basic tools from wood. There was a large cave system underground at my spawn, and after chickening out a few times I got enough iron. Soon enough, I realized I was alone on the island with only a few sheep. I realized I had to Use Mystcraft to get to a new place. But it was dark, and scary raining planet, with a thick fog. As I inched closer, footsteps sounded around me and I started to hear whispers. The pillar which I had thought at first was crystal turned out to be ice. I picked up some cinderpearls on the way back. I finally got the iron I need for a decent set of armor. I even make a iron halberd, cuz why the hell not I might be finally ready to go to that thing I saw in the distance one time. But that’s another story… I woke up the next day ready to cross the ocean. I wonder what this mysterious symbol means, and what treasures lie inside I wandered around for ages, until somebody told me there is something buried in the temple. I found a pressure plate that I mined away instantly. The loot was mine! When it came time to say goodbye, I used my new ofanix, which is like a cobblestone generator, to make a nerd pole out of the ruin. On my way back to my island, I saw an interesting feature. But, when I got closer, a bunch of skeletons came out from behind a hill! I dispatched them quickly with my new weapon and my bronze armor. When I came back, I reviewed all the loot I had got. I settled into my new home I had made with mostly cobblestone and my newly crafted flint-lock pistol. After making a couple machines to handle common operations I was ready to make the portal. After getting the obsidian, I was finally ready to go to the nether! - The nether was very difficult with huge lava lakes and exploding ores. I could only manage to make two long bridges over the lava before I lost nerve and the multiple ghasts made me turn around with no fortresses found. I knew what I had to do. I went back to the wasteland. I collected some iron ore from the cave, and then wandered the surface looking for some creepers. I found a library with a malic acid page. IDK what that is, maybe I can use it later. Of course I didn't find any creepers, though. I found a secret way to make gunpowder - involving pulverizing lots of sandstone and netherrack. I was finally ready. But that’s another story… 1 shot, 1 kill as I leapt from the forming bridge, and then took aim at the assaulting ghast. I finally found my nether fortress and killed a couple blazes inside. Was pitch black, but my candle lit the darkness. In the meantime, a crazy ghast was shooting outside constantly. As I hurredly gathered netherwert from the fortress, I could only imagine his blasts chipping away closer and closer to me… It was a truly huge fortress, but I had got what I needed and didn’t want to overstay my welcome.
GunnerHQ Posted December 30, 2015 Posted December 30, 2015 Use edit? with spoilers for pictures? Pack kinda meh... but i like how your game looks:D
cmyk Posted December 30, 2015 Posted December 30, 2015 Damn son, what shaders do you use? He uses the laggy one
Slit Posted December 30, 2015 Posted December 30, 2015 He uses the laggy one Well there was always a hope
Monocrame Posted January 1, 2016 Author Posted January 1, 2016 When I finally got to the top, just as I expected there were 3 ghasts circling around which bombed me. I gibbed them all.
Monocrame Posted January 1, 2016 Author Posted January 1, 2016 The final ghast, which I had nicknamed Sally, was truly a beast to take down. I tactfully dodged her many fiery blasts as she weaved under cover like a ninja.
Monocrame Posted January 1, 2016 Author Posted January 1, 2016 When I got back I surveyed my loot. To my surprise, one of the ghasts dropped its tear right on the bridge over lava. How lucky! I almost cried on the way back because it had been so hard. Before long, I’d returned to my staircase and nether portal. I turned around to get one last look at the hell, before going back to the Overworld. I had gotten 2 ghast tears, 14 blaze powder, 1 blaze rod, a bunch of netherrack, netherwart, and soul sand.
Monocrame Posted January 1, 2016 Author Posted January 1, 2016 I tried to go to a dimensional door I found before, but it was broken already. Unfazed, I made a new mystcraft world to hopefully find some new biomes.
Monocrame Posted January 1, 2016 Author Posted January 1, 2016 However, when I arrived, I forgot to make a return book. I am now stuck in this myst dimension forever… will I ever get back?
Monocrame Posted January 1, 2016 Author Posted January 1, 2016 As I wandered towards anything I could see, I got the sinking feeling I was going the wrong way.
Monocrame Posted January 1, 2016 Author Posted January 1, 2016 I went against my gut and ventured off a ledge to get a few pigs. Sure enough, night started to fall. I carefully stepped between the ledges as I sensed mobs start to spawn all around me.
Monocrame Posted January 1, 2016 Author Posted January 1, 2016 I broke into a run as the darkness started to close in all around me… I turned around in time to watch the twilight sun’s final kiss on the horizon. Skeleton bones clanged all around me as I sprinted to an unusual item that I could barely see in the darkness. I snatched it up just in time to get whacked on the head by it’s zombie owner. I raised my halberd and ran him through. I almost broke my halberd in the ensuing melee.
Monocrame Posted January 1, 2016 Author Posted January 1, 2016 I managed to refill my hunger in a hut. I had almost lost to 7 skeletons and 5 zombies. One of the zombies had a reflect fire ability that burned me good when I hit him and then I almost died to a skeleton with poison arrows that withered me away to half a heart just as I was completing the hut. When I looked up again, it was morn, and thus time for more hope.
Monocrame Posted January 1, 2016 Author Posted January 1, 2016 All the pages seemed like crap except “carbon nanotubes.” That seemed pretty valuable for some reason. I got a lot of “collation folders.” But, I didn’t have all I needed. I needed to press on to find more materials.
Monocrame Posted January 1, 2016 Author Posted January 1, 2016 So I rip down the old bookshelves and cut the spiderwebs. I craft the string into a bed, and a rope ladder. I need some sand to complete a new myst book, so I erect a large tower on the roof of the myst library.
Monocrame Posted January 1, 2016 Author Posted January 1, 2016 Once inside I was extra careful to not be spotted from the Monolyths. I even found some treasure!
Monocrame Posted January 1, 2016 Author Posted January 1, 2016 Unfortunately, my first path seemed to be a dead end. But, I found more treasure…
Monocrame Posted January 1, 2016 Author Posted January 1, 2016 After exploring the ruins I finally found a exit portal, which I thought would lead to the overworld.
Monocrame Posted January 1, 2016 Author Posted January 1, 2016 As I materialized in my new location, a zombie whacked me immediately and I heard arrows whiz by my head. I hit the floor running killing the zombie and sprinting through the night. I ran all night and finally used the exit book to return home. All this was two days ago. But that’s another story…
Monocrame Posted January 3, 2016 Author Posted January 3, 2016 After many days of journeying, I finally came to the enemy stronghold. The portal blocks pulsed as I steeped closer, crunching on the ancient, mossy stone bricks. How did I get here? Thats another story… Let me tell you the story.
Monocrame Posted January 3, 2016 Author Posted January 3, 2016 I made a mob spawner as I normally do by activating the division sigil. The platform of dirt above my base changed to cursed earth, which spawns mobs incessantly. At first I did manual killing, when I discovered I can make grinder to kill them faster, and have more enderman appear. The grinder needed power, so I also created a solar panel.
Monocrame Posted January 3, 2016 Author Posted January 3, 2016 I routed energy conduits out the underside, which attached to the solar panel to preserve the darkness. When I finally switched it on, it killed 3 creepers and zombies.
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