Monocrame Posted January 19, 2016 Author Posted January 19, 2016 I probably should have stopped here, but I wanted to go on.
Monocrame Posted January 19, 2016 Author Posted January 19, 2016 Once you have enderpearls and blaze powder, a lot of tech is unlocked. Now, I made a tesseract to the nether pump and a big reactor.
Monocrame Posted January 19, 2016 Author Posted January 19, 2016 To self regulate a big reactor, to not waste fuel, use this. Rednet ports, and the settings are output energy amount (commit) and input fuel rod insertion (commit)
Monocrame Posted January 19, 2016 Author Posted January 19, 2016 After that I wanted to make a cool myst world. I went into one myst world and found a bunch of libraries with my new jetpack. I collected a bunch of pages and a bunch of bees too. I was really excited to try bees because they seem real useful.
Monocrame Posted January 19, 2016 Author Posted January 19, 2016 Once I went into a myst world and dug a hole from level 64 to 45. Then, I put water in it and waited. Squid started to spawn like crazy (because it was only water on the world) and I had lots of ink to make more worlds. I didn’t find any real useful pages but I did find bee pages, I will try them tomorrow.
Monocrame Posted January 19, 2016 Author Posted January 19, 2016 When I woke up the next day, I fell through the ground and get attacked by a herd of zombie pigman wearing lapiz lazuli armor. I never seen them wearing that before, or so angry. They killed me several times, especially when I respawned in my bed. Skeleton and zombies started crawling up through the ground from the caves below. The whole ground had been disintegrated. When I tried to remake some ground, the red sand fell too making it worse.
Monocrame Posted January 19, 2016 Author Posted January 19, 2016 I figured I needed a storage system, so I set off with my ME compass that led me straight to buried meteorites that held the applied energistics-required items.
Monocrame Posted January 19, 2016 Author Posted January 19, 2016 To start AE, first make this. You will need to find the Calculation, Logic, Silicon, and Engineering press from asteroids using the AE compass. Once I make the bee world, my life will be complete.
Monocrame Posted January 19, 2016 Author Posted January 19, 2016 Once I finally made the AE system, I looked in my Myst desk to make the bee world, only to make the soul-crushing discovery that the bee mod had been removed. Not only did all the surface of my base get removed. I fell through the floor and mobs repeatedly killed me with OP mob armor. There are a bunch of shadows everywhere where blocks used to be. I can’t stand to play this pack anymore, there’s extremely too many options and mod-clutter for my liking now.
Monocrame Posted January 19, 2016 Author Posted January 19, 2016 (back to FionaPack) Once I was back to my old world, I cheered and put on some M83, flew around in the nether and got some soul sand and glowstone. There were 3 ghasts but they can’t touch this.
Monocrame Posted January 19, 2016 Author Posted January 19, 2016 As I swooped around shrugging off their fiery balls, I wondered what I needed to do next. I really needed more inventory, and power transport as well as ores.
Monocrame Posted January 19, 2016 Author Posted January 19, 2016 As I organized my chests, I mentally prepared for the epic journey that was in store.
cmyk Posted January 28, 2016 Posted January 28, 2016 Monocrame rage quitted after that reactor blew up all his chests. The End.
Monocrame Posted February 7, 2016 Author Posted February 7, 2016 The next day, I awoke from a strange dream, in which I was stranded and alone on a sky island. I brushed off the cobwebs from my sleeping place and looked around to find an amazing sight.
Monocrame Posted February 8, 2016 Author Posted February 8, 2016 There were a bunch of villagers everywhere and they had broken into downstairs in the house somehow.
Monocrame Posted February 8, 2016 Author Posted February 8, 2016 I looked in my chest and there was only 1 diamonds. So that would be first on the checklist…
Monocrame Posted February 8, 2016 Author Posted February 8, 2016 My potions of waterbreathing were finally done (water bottle + netherwart + pufferfish). All I had to do next was include 1 redstone to double the length of the spell.
Monocrame Posted February 8, 2016 Author Posted February 8, 2016 The wand of excavation was perfect for quickly mining the underwater rock, especially when not wearing the aqua affinity helmet. Deep cave spelunking is not for the faint of heart, as you can see. Monocrame please use the edit. Edit for what? I'm not psychic. Is it because of 1 post per picture? Are the posts getting out of hand and are gonna crash the forum? Is my post count getting too high? Wouldn't want to compete in number of real posts if that's a thing. But, if it is, just reset the post count to 0 it doesn't matter much to me. It's just a useless total... like, all my money in the Tekkit server. Or my connection problem that gets ignored so I lose my particle accelerator. My fusion reactors that blowed up randomly a long time ago, my energy nodes, my particle accelerators that turned into obsidian and random pieces changed to the wrong block everyday. All my stuff getting stolen by town members, and then my town being forced to shrink or get deleted. Please clarify. I cannot what you mean. Please don't make me have to guess. Do you not like the topic? I mean, it might be infuriating that it is sometimes halfway down the page past all the old and pinned random topics from 4 months ago whenever I update it infrequently. I wouldn't want to force you to read something that you felt needed to be edited for some reason. Maybe I should just delete the topic, so it's not such a bother to everyone.
jenci8888 Posted February 8, 2016 Posted February 8, 2016 Interesting story teller.Oh and it's SEUS Shader pack, You won't able run with Intel GMA Accelerator, HD 3000. But yes HD 4600 barely perfect fine (lastest driver)and you need good computer to run this SEUS shader pack. (SEUS = Sonic Ether Unbelieveable Shader)
cmyk Posted February 8, 2016 Posted February 8, 2016 I can run seus on vanilla with an ever age 50 fps. And if mono uses edit then his post will di.... Ohhhhh
Monocrame Posted February 12, 2016 Author Posted February 12, 2016 Hi guys. I use Continuum shaders, which is a mod of SEUS. According to someone, it requires a significantly better hardware than SEUS. These following images however were taken with no shaders on. The next thing to do would be the logistics pipe network. Why the network? I just figured it would be cheap and easy. First you make the power thing.
Monocrame Posted February 12, 2016 Author Posted February 12, 2016 After mining a bunch, I set up my laser array. The lasers were going slow, so I turned the game to peaceful. The lasers take the most amount of diamonds. Each laser costs 2 diamonds but makes the chipsets faster. And each chipset made saves 4 iron, 3 gold, or 3 diamond. Very cool.
Monocrame Posted February 12, 2016 Author Posted February 12, 2016 And here’s the finished product. After about a million chipsets later, I had all I needed to complete it with minimal crafting. To do this, connect each of your chests with logistics pipes mk3 (make sure the pipe only touches 1 chest). Connect every junction and other block interface with basic logistics pipes. You will have to connect a logistics power junction block to this network, to power everything. Also, the logistics request table will be your crafting and inventory interface block. Now, you might be wondering what about connections that are not junctions or block interfaces? For those, you can use gold transport pipes from buildcraft. In my setup everything was tight so I went ahead and did all basic logistics pipes although a few might have been gold transport pipes. Finally, to make everything work, you need to add upgrades to the logistics pipes mk3’s. The provider upgrade (module) allows the network to access the inventory and pull stuff out. The polymorphic itemsink module allows it to put stuff back in the inventory and sort it. Finally, the itemsink module (which you have to set to default route by right clicking) handles new items telling the network it’s ok to start putting stuff in there.Now just search through your chests for stuff, sort it and craft things easily.
Andrew2070 Posted February 12, 2016 Posted February 12, 2016 I thought i told you to stop consecutive posting, instead you continued doing it. Im sick and tired of combining them for you already and this just has to stop. Seriously cut it out man, if you want to make a storyline then make one single post or a youtube playlist.
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