rmtworks Posted May 9, 2016 Posted May 9, 2016 Well, it's been just about a year since I joined here. So, I decided to make this post in celebration and remembrance of my first year around here. Also I figured I'd introduce myself to other community members and staff that don't know me too well So, my real name is Robert, I'm a GM+ on our Tekkit and World Automation modded servers, and I originally started on our Tekkit server last May. Honestly I barely played MC before Tekkit, so I had a lot to learn. Wasn't even all that familiar with modded to be starting out with Tekkit. I started on some huge server with 1000 slots and I had literally no idea what I was doing. The protection was confusing too. So I searched for Tekkit servers online, and what do you know, CraftersLand Tekkit showed up. So I joined and had no idea what I was doing. Thankfully MyTown made a little sense to me. I watched the video tutorial over and over again until I realized I joined the server when the map was already mostly claimed and destroyed, and that's why I couldn't claim my nub hut. I moved until I found a nice little 3 chunk area next to a giant quarry hole (so sad I don't have a screenshot of it ) and I built a spruce wood and marble nub hut. Some jerk killed me during a trade and so Slit as a baby little helper was the first staff I talked with And, like all helpers, he couldn't do anything for me. I actually slowly learned what I was doing, and eventually won an entire fancy-ass Powersuit from Skittles by answering his stupid riddles Then he told me to apply for helper on the last day applications were open, so I was like, what do I have to lose? And that was the beginning of me as staff. All the commands were brand new to me as I've never staffed a server before, so I had lots of fun as I ranked up. The 1 million block plasma ball with Slit was an amazing way to learn WorldEdit with Slit. Along the way I made lots of new friends, and also got to encounter plenty of salt. The best salt of the past year award goes to this dude: http://i.imgur.com/l19tsIy.png Ironically, that happened just today before I posted this. You could almost say it inspired me to post this as a summary of the past year. I never joined this community anticipating that I'd be developing and supporting a custom modpack, and Slit was a major help there because I literally had no idea how to make a pack before he helped me out. So hey, that's my Meet the Admin, thanks again to everyone I've gotten to know over the past year (well, aside from the salt of the year award winner), really amazing to be a part of this community. Peace out! PS: I think it would be totally awesome if some other staff that have been here a while to do a Meet the Admin too, seems like a nice way for the community to get to know each other!
StarFaded (ShadowEvolve) Posted May 9, 2016 Posted May 9, 2016 Nice to meet you and the salt level of that post in that picture went overboard. PS: I'm probably do my post sometime when I have spare time to sit down and write about myself.
Robert Posted May 9, 2016 Posted May 9, 2016 man nice to meet you lel BUT HOLY MOTHER OF GOD.............
OmgimYasso Posted May 9, 2016 Posted May 9, 2016 Saltiest person in existence lol. Welcome my friend, looking forward on plating WA with u byd
yosefshaked Posted May 9, 2016 Posted May 9, 2016 I'm in the server longer then you (Sky Factory not Tekkit) and you are much higher rank xD I'll do a post of how I first time came here until I was accepted to the Staff Members (Interesting thing) when it will be 2 years after joining the forums. Wait for it guys
StarFaded (ShadowEvolve) Posted May 9, 2016 Posted May 9, 2016 I'm in the server longer then you (Sky Factory not Tekkit) and you are much higher rank xD I'll do a post of how I first time came here until I was accepted to the Staff Members (Interesting thing) when it will be 2 years after joining the forums. Wait for it guys He's a higher rank than you, because he's just that awesome and good looking And this shadow is waiting for that post of yours
DonVanhugenstyn Posted May 10, 2016 Posted May 10, 2016 DonVanhugenstynMember Since 09 Mar 2015 rmtworksMember Since 26 Jun 2015 I never knew that rmt I beat you to CL but I took a break around June/July up to about October.
Jimmel Posted May 10, 2016 Posted May 10, 2016 Hey there, it's nice to meet you! Looks like this last year's been a pretty interesting one for ya, huh? JimmelMember Since 16 Jun 2013
Robert Posted May 13, 2016 Posted May 13, 2016 LoL I just read the first part of the first paragraph and my real name is Robert too, what a coincidence
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