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Spam removal


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When "boss" mobs die, there are announcements in global chat. It can be really spammy, especially when people have mob spawners up. Can it please be removed? It's not even possible to see what people say sometimes, due to the spam.



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This has been discussed in so many topics.

And within staff.

And in a more recent topic that I'm unable to find at the time...
Edit: I found it but it's in the trashcan so you might not be able to view it. 


All in all, it was said that nothing much could be done to fix this.

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This problem definetely was fixed before wipe, but now it`s back...

@brunyman should check CoFH setting in "minecraft\config\cofh\core\common.cfg" for:


    # Set to TRUE to display death messages for any named entity.

In THIS  topic this problem was discussed, and probably fixed. (Just noticed, Henk posted a link to discussion holding same link i left)

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7 minutes ago, Timur said:

This problem definetely was fixed before wipe, but now it`s back...

@brunyman should check CoFH setting in "minecraft\config\cofh\core\common.cfg" for:

In THIS  topic this problem was discussed, and probably fixed. (Just noticed, Henk posted a link to discussion holding same link i left)

I know for a fact that this was still a problem before the wipe aswell. As that's when I had my staff rank moved there, However I can't swear if it was fixed a for only a few days prior to wipe... but it definitely wasn't fixed for a longer period of time.

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