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Refund Request


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Account Name: elmater22

Item name + item ID (item ID optional, but very helpful): Full upgraded powersuit sharp five flux sword and full tools + Vote party keys (legendary and normal)

Time/date[time/date when "WHAT" happened]: today, appox 16:00 tp to a sponser, blue nick red name, believe it was a King something, walked into a portal was then transported to a ss killed by a forcefield items collected by him then repeated killed by this trap, unable to /spawn or /home had to close the game completely. 

Description of Issue: Trap used to lure in players and kill them and get their items, then player logs off after the trap takes its course

Evidence (optional, but highly recommended):  Ethanracer55 was also effected the same


I was not able to get any screenshots since the game was glitching due to the trap. All that i remember was the it was a sponsor with a blue Nick tag and red lettering with his name, all i remember from the name was King something. Other witnesses were Ethanracer55 and Dragon who is a helper, unknown if he witnessed it first hand or if he only knows about what happened.


The player you are thinking of is King_Sombra_, who got caught in his own portal trap, the same one you got stuck in. We've talked to him, and if he does this again, let us know. 

Could you make a list of exactly which upgrades were on your powersuit, and which tools you had? This makes it easier for us to refund you.


The upgrades on the suit were full energy shields, night vision, full seal, water breathing elite batteries on all, jetpack, active camo, swim assist, kinetic generator, shock absorbers. i think that was all i had on the suit. for tools i had a full set of flux infused, the sword was enchanted with sharp IV, the only other things i had was the 4 vote keys and a legendary key from the vote party. 

  • Founder

we can also try to do an inventory rollback if you want but we need a date to rollback to when it was all fine. If you want a refund please be more specific on items you want to be refunded, like how many crate keys?


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