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[Rollback Request]Malkoi[DW1.7] My Base was griefed


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Soo I didnt play for some time and apparently my base was griefed with some steves carts or something and i wanna ask if it is possible rollback ?

Sadly i dont know when it was griefed so i can give you any timeline :/


My Base is at x:-2979 z:2544, If any of the GM's could take a look it would be most appreciated. https://imgur.com/a/DgcnS

If it cant be fixed oh well just tell me here imma do some partial repairs so it will look okay and then leave it at that.



Account Name: Malkoi

Town name: / Character name : Town name is "Barklay" / Malkoi

Server: Dw20 1.7.10

Coordinates: x:-2934 z:2522

Time/date[time/date you want it rolled back to]: Since Im not sure when it happened i would take a shot in the dark and would like to rollback too say middle  of November or beginning December?

Description of Issue: Someone used some sort of minecart miner soo every chunk with rails  probably needs to be rollbacked in my town.


@Malkoi We only keep backups for about a month. Sometimes less - I guess it depends on how we are doing on harddrive space.

So I suggest just rolling back as far as we can - and then cross you fingers for it to be enough. 


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