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[FTB Infinity Evolved] Time for server WIPE? Vote here!


Infinity WIPE  

26 members have voted

  1. 1. Time to do a full WIPE on Infinity Evolved Server?

    • YES! New Map seeds, fresh start and land to explore!
    • NO! Don't WIPE now, let's wait more.
    • I don't care. Show me the results.

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So, time for a server WIPE check, the last wipe was over 8 months ago on 1st February 2019. We got allot of request for WIPE from players. If we WIPE all data will get a reset except for ranks, we will generate new map seeds and provide a download link of the old map. Server lag will be reduced and a fresh map for all to explore!


Vote in the pool above and let us know what to do next.


Server live map:  HERE


If we wipe we will generate new map seeds and provide a world download link for the existing main world.


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9 minutes ago, Psycs_LaCura said:

@brunyman May I suggest that If the server wipes, those who voted no can have the option of some sort of enhanced starter pack?

Im honestly feeling screwed over, and dont want to have to go through the mindnumbingly boring task of the expert mode startup grind again. 

Unfortunately we can't have anyone carrying over their posessions or get any bonuses as that is the point of wipe.

You must understand that at any point in time there will be players like you who have gotten past the beginning grind but not end-game yet. We understand your reasoning, but we hope that you may consider returning to expert mode in the future, as it is the challenge that most of us find attractive in this pack.

I can offer you to try out Direwolf20 1.7.10, which doesn't differ much in the mod-list but is quite easier than IE EM.

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6 minutes ago, CowGoesBananas said:

Unfortunately we can't have anyone carrying over their posessions or get any bonuses as that is the point of wipe.

Any player can at any time start over, you dont need to wipe the map for that. So that would be an incredible egotistical reason. 

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The point of a wipe is a new opportunity for everyone to get out in the world, explore and compete from the beginning.

It's quite impossible to keep track of everything and the older the world grows, the laggier will it be. You may not feel much lag at the moment because of the low population - another factor why a wipe is needed. Reviving, reincarnating the server.

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It's just the matter of things; minecraft servers are stable for first 6-12 months with many dedicated players who play for weeks or months, then population and activity dwindles, leaving occasional players and an odd dedicated player who stays for longer than few days. Starting on a server that hasn't been wiped carries that risk of a potential wipe and an unstable community and, although some players don't care about it, community and group progression are main appeal of multiplayer.


Starting from the scratch alone is possible, but it's neither fun to do (wiping everything is just what happens to everyone equally; choosing to abandon everything is a tough choice and doesn't level the playing field), and its not fun to do alone (everyone starting from zero is a major appeal of progression). In addition, lack of long term players likely impacts the purchases in shop, making server more difficult to pay for. Many a modded server died in the past because they didn't wipe for more than two years.

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@Psycs_LaCura what about the new player then? if a new player joins and then think huh this is alright no lag and stuff but, then they teleport in to the wild and everyone is killing them and taking their really bad stuff and then when they get peace they go to adventure and there is just shitloads of bases and stuff that isnt wery fun is it? also imagine it from your side and if you were new and this happened dont think ya would have been staying for a long time.., this WIPE is a strategic move to get more new players and if u dont want a wipe you are in my mindset kinda bad since you dont wanna grind again and get the mats u need etc, plus every good player knows how to get stacked again xD but i see that you have alot of cool stuff and projects wich you grinded a long time to get sooo that`s everything i have to say xD wasnt that good but meh it is what it is :3 plus im not a modded player xD im from network but got a little idk frustrated? when i see players so obsessed with their stuff and yeh... so yea i dont know what this mod goes out on doing and like that stuff dang i suck at this like OKAY im not a player that plays modded and that means im not into this and i dont really know what this whole thing is tbh xD

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@ohnolookwho At this point Im not trying to argue for a no to the wipe.

What I wanted was a little start boost for those who didnt want the wipe... that should be fair. Why on earth would anyone care how far other players have progressed? Everyone does stuff at their own pace, so progression would be offset in a matter of days anyway.
I myself like to dwell on my progress, meaning on expert mode its taking 40-60 hours before the game starts to become fun. Given I pretty recently reached to fun part, its a not exactly an optimistic expectation having to start from scratch again.

Its not my server, I dont decide whats going to happen. Im just saying that I, unfortunately, will have to consider other options. Its a shame, I really liked this server.

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5 hours ago, Geeksu said:

@Psycs_LaCura what about the new player then? if a new player joins and then think huh this is alright no lag and stuff but, then they teleport in to the wild and everyone is killing them and taking their really bad stuff and then when they get peace they go to adventure and there is just shitloads of bases and stuff that isnt wery fun is it? also imagine it from your side and if you were new and this happened dont think ya would have been staying for a long time.., this WIPE is a strategic move to get more new players and if u dont want a wipe you are in my mindset kinda bad since you dont wanna grind again and get the mats u need etc, plus every good player knows how to get stacked again xD but i see that you have alot of cool stuff and projects wich you grinded a long time to get sooo that`s everything i have to say xD wasnt that good but meh it is what it is :3 plus im not a modded player xD im from network but got a little idk frustrated? when i see players so obsessed with their stuff and yeh... so yea i dont know what this mod goes out on doing and like that stuff dang i suck at this like OKAY im not a player that plays modded and that means im not into this and i dont really know what this whole thing is tbh xD

So... You are right. I'm a new player and i want wipe. 

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