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They do not ban a user who had more than 10 illegal objects and which one of them put in my chest then they banned me but he was not banned. The user has a shulker with the ilegal potions but the shulker was removed by a Sponsor.



I can confirm, another player killed Gondis with that potion, and then he put that potions in a shulker, Gondis asked me for help because he didn't know what to do, and then I got rid that potions. @TheTheadNote reported that player with @iiTzFermin_ but he banned Gondis instead of that player. (I won't say his name because Fermin knows it)


I confirm that Gondis is not the culprit of those dups, he was the victim of them by a person, since it was used to kill him. I say it to Fermin but i think that dosent understand, the person who has use the dups and have that dups is JaredGT <------ (minecraft nick).


Here there are some screenshots: (I cant do it bigger doload and do it sorry)



(Sorry this server is in spanish but see what  JaredGT  say)9af21ba2a40d775c0d526e599facbd91o.png

JaredGT admits to having the dups that were used in Gondis


I confirm that Gondis is not the culprit of those dups, he was the victim of them by a person, since it was used to kill him. I say it to Fermin but i think that dosent understand, the person who has use the dups and have that dups is JaredGT.





Jared had illegal stuff and he used it to kill me and you have the proof of the photo where he says it was his, and he gave it to me but I never used it, I just took a screenshot to report him.
I found the dragon eggs in the end and I caught them but I didn't think it was illegal and I don't know how to dubbs.

The potions in the chest I didn't want to give them to HowYouLikeThatBP because I wanted to store some kind of living proof because the other stuff was going to be removed but I could never contact an admin but since they are never connected and I didn't use them for anything I stored them in a chest for the same reason in case they wanted proof but I see they don't do things that way. 


17 hours ago, Gondis said:

but I could never contact an admin but since they are never connected

This is false, every day I connect, and yes someday not i'm

My fellows of the staff will members be there to help you

1- You did wrong stored the potions in a chest also you no shouldn have given the shulker to HowYouLikeThatBP

2-Yes there was no online staff on that time, the betther option was to do the report

TheTheadNote made the report and i as staff check them both

Note: For the next time use /Helpop or make the report

Advice: Never accept items/object ilegal 

Unban Requests Denied

Have a Nice day!!



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