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Stone Miner

Stone Miner (6/26)



  1. Te conozco desde hace mucho, he perdido mi rango (he mirado las tres cuentas donde jugaba) y era premium, joder que putada, ojala recuperar el rango y los objetos

    1. Adriiibr


      Haz un post y pide que te lo devuelvan

  2. Adria hazme el /unban ahora plz

  3. Hey can you watch my last post... problems again.

  4. Can you say @brunyman that my IGN was changed to SrJulen and not to ItzJulenPvP? 

    1. SrJulen
    2. Skilande_


      You can edit the post yourself, there is an edit button in the lower part of the post.

    3. SrJulen


      okay but @ him i want him to see the post

  5. My IGN its SrJulen not ItzJulenPvP

  6. hey i think he transfer to ItzJulenPvP acc and i need it to change to SrJulen (msg it)

  7. Bro see my change of account post . (STILL WAITING 1 FUCKING YEAR LATER OMG)

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