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Posts posted by Henk

  1. Hello guys!

    It's been a while now since we've talked about what has been going on behind the scenes on network, what's being worked on, what's completed and what are our future plans for the coming months.


    First and foremost, Drop Zone!

    Ever since Dropzone was updated to 1.14.4 and re-added to the server selector, we've been working on polishing it up and fixing a few of the crucial bugs that occurred. And here are some of the bigger changes that were made:

    Bugs and additions

    • Fixed a bug that let you sometimes shoot through walls
    • Fixed a bug that made your weapon get stuck in your offhand, and would only get fixed by you dying.
    • Fixed a bug that had to do with a huge lag spike every time you would die, fixed by implementing an improved respawn system
    • Added killstreaks and a killstreak reward every 3rd kill, that lets you reroll your weapon.
    • Updated the resourcepack to a 2D pixelart, as the old resourcepack gave complications to half of all players.



    • Added a NPC at lobby to use to connect to the server
    • Added a sign that let's you rightclick to join the gamemode
    • Added every weapon with it's stats at spawn
    • Set up the Resourcepack to work as a server-resroucepack or downloadable through a LINK
    • Added a server selector as a join item, as well as a discord, resourcepack and buycraft informational item.


    And this is the current state of Drop Zone, there is still some work to be done and a few more bugs and features that I would like to get. But grab a friend, hop on and give it a go! And feel free to give any feedback about the gamemode, personally, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out and I enjoy playing more than I thought I would. And I've heard other say the same :-) Don't be shy!


    Secondly, Glaskerville!

    To me it seems like this is what you guys are most excited about and eager to experience, which is why during the past month we've put our main focus on bringing you this new addition to AssassinS. For you that haven't heard anything about this and have no idea what I'm talking about, check out the teaser announcement made about a month ago:



    But today I want to talk to you guys more about what our plans are, and where we are at, and when you can be expecting it to be released to the public.

    The whole philosophy with Glaskerville is to put a greater focus on RPG elements and custom features, and at the same time give you a reason to revisit and replay the parkours and dungeons within this city that is more than just pure gold.


    When completing dungeons in Glaskerville you will have a chance to earn one or more Tokens that will be used to purchase upgrades to the shop inside the town, that will then offer you better deals, some of which might be tied to a cooldown. You will also be able to purchase "effects" that are exclusive to inside the town that will make your time in Glaskerville a bit more... comfortable.



    The town will feature 3 full length dungeons and numerous traders for you to find. 


    The town has also gone over a visual overhaul seen in the picture above. The left is the before, and the right is the after


    There are still one dungeon left to build and a handful of features that needs to be properly implemented. I've stressed before how difficult it is to put a "release date". But right now we're looking at e release of around mid October, but Halloween at the latest.


    You guys voted on a previous topic what you guys would want to see next from Craftersland, and that vote decided that you guys wanted to see a brand new server added to the network. And that is still very much our plan as I've slowly started working on it, but what kind of server it'll be has yet to be determined!, So if you've got any ideas or suggestions please post them as a response in this topic or create a "suggestion" topic.


    The current pipeline:

    • Dropzone90% done
    • Glaskerville - 60% done
    • Bringing back old ACv1 dungeons30% done
    • New server10% done
  2. Openender we've discussed extensively in staff discord, /back is now added to moderator ranks and above. 

    To use the unlocked version of the workbench would require a global edit in the config, changing everyone's permissions. Even with full perms and OP, I cannot bypass the limitations set by the plugin.

    I want to leave the settings as it is for now, especially with dyed leather armor, as I want to leave options for making custom armors in the future. 

  3. Sorry for the wait

    Added the permissions you asked for, I saw you had an intensive ban record in your past, I hope that will remain in your past. Know that everything is logged and backed up :P You'd hurt yourself more than the server. Be responsible. 

    Only use in small areas

  4. image.png

    Soon to a forest near you.



    Glaskerville will be the new up and coming addition to AssassinsCraft, it will include a wide range of dungeons and parkours. With the addition of a few new shopkeepers, selling you rare and new items that can only be obtainable in Glaskerville. It will also have a new mechanic to help you navigate these dark woods.


    Glaskerville será la próxima y nueva adición a AssassinsCraft, incluirá un amplio área de dungeons y parkours. Con la nueva adición de unos nuevos aldeanos, vendiéndote raros y nuevos items que solo se pueden conseguir en Glaskerville. También tendrá una nueva mecánica para ayudarte a navegar entre los bosques oscuros.

  5. Craftersland spends quite a bit of time doing Quality assurance before publishing a server.

    We have a testing phase where we go thru tons of reported issues and fix as many as we can. This is all so that we can bring you the best possible server for when it launches and thruout it’s lifetime- granted, all issues can’t be found or fixed this way. A lot requires testing or just stumbling across.

    This also includes potentially new plugin development.

    So, we yet don’t have an ETA. The server will be published when this phase is completed, but to give you a very rough estimate... at best it’ll be in a few weeks. At worst, probably more like late-late august/early september. But don’t quote me on that :P there’s a lot of things that needs to be done by then, - and if we need to make any custom edits to mods or create plugins from scratch then time carries away pretty quickly- and this all makes it hard to give any sort of estimate. There are too many factors to go thru as of yet

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