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Everything posted by cabalmaster

  1. 4 more months and i'll be 24th This month's competition for Top Voter rank was fun in Tekkit
  2. a wipe yearly isn't so bad right now +1 wipe
  3. Your Name: cabalmaster Town Name: CrystalCO Coordinates: CrystalCo Space station - Dimension 84846 Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): February 6th 2021 Description of Issue: My ME drives are stolen Screenshots (Optional): https://imgur.com/a/A0JQ1jf empty ME system
  4. Network Server (AC, Pure, CTW, etc.) : Tekkit In-Game Nickname : cabalmaster Nickname of the one you are complaining about : ZeeDerpMaster, Sleetyy, ChinaNo2 Description of the situation : This is the screenshots about ZeeDerpMaster and Sleetyy's base several weeks ago Most of the newbies (Ever since ZeeDerpMaster, Sleetyy "established" on the server) are constantly dying because these two keep tracking them down and kill them with an indecent named Ruby Sword Sleetyy do it on another level, he flooded the market with this following item In conclusion: These two players are very toxic. ChinaNo2 is their friend and i have my suspicion on him, too since they're at spawn and keep talking something on Local chat Somehow, today, i lost almost all my /money and my account has been cracked (The password was very long and hard to replicate) but i did change it while ZeeDerpMaster was online I think he have a ComputerCraft program to keylogging people Please, make sure they are banned forever from TEKKIT MAIN With love, cabalmaster Players that can confirm your situation (If applicable) : Testing123041 Nick120803 JuBu_15 Sallemander jpg_daniel John75354 I posted my client logs here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gr0Y4MVVdbqGUAWjMkJbgfdlf8-RLh1o/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GupUhnsbjA6B_6E7itDsfkmt5Q_F3KLR/view?usp=sharing
  5. It's named Overship because it's a ship hanging over the orbit of the world I hope everyone like it
  6. This would take a heap tons of Oxygen Sealers to seal it up You might want to claim the area related to the sphere so visitors can't break the sphere Either way, good job
  7. To-do list: - 24 months top voter - Kill an Ender Dragon without Power Suit - Making the best space carrier
  8. It is a pleasure playing on this server.
  9. Wipe it please Plenty of people was affected by a hacker / griefer whom delete everything from bases to items. A wipe is needed
  10. tsk tsk. I am nobody's alt account
  11. My goal is became the forever owner of the Top Voter rank in Tekkit But hey, who can tell the future ? : )
  12. Please wipe I'm looking forward to build my base on a space station and then claim them all over again
  13. so who's the November top voter ?
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