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flamefurno last won the day on August 8 2020

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About flamefurno

  • Birthday 03/18/2000

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  1. I highly recommend using /is home to get to your island instead of going through the portal to avoid these kind of issues. Again, I sadly do not have the permissions to do an inventory rollback, you'll need a higherup to do that for you. I'll leave the topic open for further comments or for a higherup to close it when they have done the inventory rollback.
  2. I couldn't find it in my singleplayer world either, so my guess is that it is disabled by the pack itself.
  3. Force tp'd you to spawn, placed items in an area claimed by you at 2342, 65, 1241
  4. Direwolf20 currently has some issues with it's advancements and thus all the advancements someone gets are popping up each time in chat, which is pretty annoying and seen as spam: https://imgur.com/a/El18pAl Hereby the request to disable the advancement announcements in chat. (which should be done with just "/gamerule announceAdvancements false")
  5. I noticed some silence in here so I thought I'll start it up a little again
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