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Bad_Wolf_Bay last won the day on September 22 2024

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  1. Why not take a vote to drop a mod pack for one of the newer ones like ATM9. ATM9 has optional gregtech machines for people who want to punish themselves. It would be perfect. There's also a few packs that is a mix of terrafirmacraft and gregtech for people who really hate themselves. Just a thought.
  2. Sever lag jitter and connction drops ATM6 server Server seem to have forgotten I have claim and chunk Loader packages. I have 17/4 forced loaded chunks (should be 17/32) and 93/250 claim chunks (should be 93/500). Every time I pass from one chunk loaded area to another there is sever jitter and usually a connection drop right after. Please fix, it's not fun having to relog so many times.
  3. We're up to ATM10 now. Sadly lag doesn't have to be an issue but everyone wants to build op essence and mob farms they see in videos. Most of those are single player worlds and don't have to worry about lagging everyone.
  4. Not sure where to post this so I chose here. Atm6 mining dim is a waste land. Where the telleport from spawn places you is player claimed and unless you have flight you're either stuck or with one wrong step, you're dead in a claim.
  5. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/all-the-mods-9-to-the-sky All the Mods 9-To the Sky Mystic farms can be laggy but as you progress you can move on to phytogenic insolators which clears that up. Take care with Pipez moving items into an already full inventory and don't build multi block structures between 2 chunks. I would suggest offering brine and lithium at spawn like they do water and lava (Mekanism evap tanks screwed up my base cause one partially crossed a chunk border). Don't store too many non stackable items in AE drives, that can be bad. It has Hostile Networks, so mob farms can be kept to a minimum. Other than that, this is a fun modpack. It's still being slowly updated (not all of ender io is functional). Yes, I've listed a lot of "Don't do this". But most of us who have played many modded pack on servers already have an idea to stay away from these things. And hey, it's a sky block with new and updated mods. New bases with new blocks and machines!!! It's quite enjoyable and a change of pace and redundance that are the old mod packs. For that, AtM10 is also slowly being updated, but I'd at least wait till version 1.0 to really get into it. That way a good many more bugs will have been worked out. I know someone will come across with "Well, which server should we get rid of to get this one?" It's not a matter of question. This is a Skyblock, so get rid of a Skyblock. As for which one, get someone to do a little digging and find the least played one in the past year. Yes, we all have our favorite servers. Go-to servers where we can do anything because we know it so well. But complacency leads to stagnation. New challenges leads to new thinking...problem solving...artistic interpretation. In short, it leads to growth and the satisfaction of a job done, and done well.
  6. In my experience, map downloads aren't perfect. Yes, your base will be there but it may not be perfect the way you had it.
  7. you were in creative when you moused over them or moved them in your inventory. As for having the tag removed, I'm not sure you should do a post under refund or roll-back. Maybe neither. I'd hit up a mod or admin on discord and see what they say.
  8. A Clockwork Orange Gummo Edward Scissorhands
  9. Ender chests, yes player keyed or locked or whatever the term is (using a diamond on the latch), eat items. I just dumped in almost 8 stacks of copper ore in my processing center and they poofed...gone. I ran a test. I isolated the chest the purified ore goes to so that it can be thermal centrifuged. Nothing ended up there. So I spawned in another 7 stacks. After spawning in about 28 stacks of copper ore, I ended up with (last I checked), 19 thermaled copper. So after 1800 copper I got 19. That's what, just over 1% return. It's been going on since last night. I don't know how many stacks of copper I mined but I only had 7 copper dust this morning. I would suggest not using the chests. Bad_Wolf_Bay. Never mind. I see it go in my ae system and between that and putting it into a chest or crate, it vanishes. There is a bug, but whether it's the ender chest, the AE system or the export bus to a container, I couldn't tell ya. Nevermind again. I found the ores. For some reason they were in my drives but not showing up in the terminal. Used an IO in AE2 and pulled the crushed ore out. Still don't know why they didn't show up or export to the proper machines.
  10. Bad_Wolf_Bay Wolfpack (I think) 4699 196 7625 (best I can tell) 10/27/22. 9 p.m. CST Me and anyone at or seems to be close to my base times out. I can log in for a second before I time out. Most of the base doesn't load.
  11. Requesting claim rollback to 10/27 or 10/26. My base may be causing some major issues. If someone could check for a corrupted chunk that would be great too. Thanks, Bad_Wolf
  12. And nevermind. With the ring of ascent gone, my angel ring works perfectly.
  13. I figured out how to get the ring of ascent gone. My angel ring question still stands.
  14. How does one remove the Ring of Ascent? It's at the far right of my toolbar (not in an actual slot but is just beyond them) and is there an issue with the angel rings? I have one but it's not letting me fly. I have a dragon egg (end dragon) and a dragon mill (yes, chunkloaded) but still cannot fly, even when I'm in the same chunk as the mill. Thanks. Oh, and do whatever you have too to get that damn ring of ascent off me.
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